Chapter 61

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- It's better? Steve asks as I come out of the bathroom after the tragedy that ended our performance at Harvey.

- Physically yes, but emotionally I'm rubbish! I whimper, still shocked by what happened.

I had vomited the entire room!

First I threw up on Erin's shoes, who jumped away from me, screaming, horrified (okay, here I had a total of zero regrets).

Not content, I had turned around, in an eagerness to try to get away, and vomited all over Martin Harvey's expensive shirt.

I had fucking puked on our prospective client!

It was then that Steve caught up with me, holding me away from the other execs and a garbage can appeared in front of me (I later found out that Justin was the one with the common sense) where I threw up a couple more while Steve held my hair. Erin was still screaming disgustedly, cursing me with not-so-nice names, and someone was saying Harvey should go change his shirt.

After that whole horror movie scene, Steve had taken me to the bathroom.

Now I just wish I could go back in time and not have eaten that massive amount of pancakes with Justin for breakfast.

- I'm very sorry! I bet Mr Harvey will sue me!
No, he's going to sue the entire DBS because of me...

- Natasha, calm down, none of this is going to happen. It was an accident. Steve takes my arm, leading me down the hall. “Come, let's go.

'It was a tragedy!' I threw up on the owner of the company!
We're sure to lose the deal to Richmond! I keep whimpering as we enter the elevator. "We're going to lose to Erin's witch!" That's if she doesn't sue me too! Oh my God, she's going to make me buy another Louboutin shoe! I don't want to buy a Louboutin for that ridiculous one!

Steve guides me out of the company and we get into his car.

“You need to calm down. None of this will happen. Yes, it was inconvenient that you threw up at the end of your performance, especially on Harvey, but I explained that you were pregnant.

'Did you tell?'

- Of course yes. He was understanding. And as for your presentation, it was already over, and I must say, it went very well.

“I was fine until I started spewing vomit like the possessed little girl from 'The Exorcist'!

Steve laughs as he starts the engine.

“It was really funny to see Erin screaming.

- It was not funny.

— Yes it was. She picked up the vomited shoes and threw them in the trash. And you're right about one thing, she even demanded that I buy you another one. But don't worry, I already gave you a fucking check!

"I don't like the idea of ​​giving that witch money!" I still can't believe she was here, I bet it was on purpose! She wanted to humiliate me!

— Don't think about it anymore, you have to calm down. It's over.

"And where's Justin?"

“He stayed over at Harvey, asked to talk to the executives and improve our position.

“I hope he can reverse the shit I did…” I mutter.

- Do not blame yourself. If we lose this deal, it's not your fault.

- No? As if!

“Don't go, Natasha. Now relax and stop being anxious. It can't do you any good. I'll take you home to rest.

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