Chapter 32

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Steve drags me through the smiling and congratulating guests along the way and what can I do? I smile and wave back.

- Stop this! "Steve scolds me.

I break free when we reach an empty room.

"Calm down, no need to freak out!"

- It is not necessary? You just said you're pregnant!

"Yes, I said. Not true, of course! I make a dismissive gesture with my hand.

"Honey, are you pregnant? - Maggie approaches, smiling in surprise.

— What unexpected news! Alfred hugs me and Steve swears.

"Steve, honey, what manners are these? - Maggie catches your attention.

Sean approaches with Florence.

"So, what's new, huh?" Sean gives me a bear hug and Florence rolls her eyes.

The only ones who don't approach are Hope and Scott. Hope is whispering something to him, laughing hard, and I'm sure it's the truth.

"When's the baby due, dear?" - Maggie continues, visibly moved.

"I think we'll have to set the date as soon as possible. Alfred takes out his cell phone. "I think March twenty-fifth...

"For God's sake, shut up!" - Steve yells and everyone stares at him shocked. "We don't need to set a wedding date!"

"But darling, the belly might show..." I can't help it and Steve growls angrily.

"Natasha's right," Maggie starts and Steve snorts.

"Natasha is not pregnant, Mom!

- No?

- No! She made it up and I don't even know why. He turns to me again. "You've crossed the line this time!"

I cringe, starting to get scared of my little lie.

"But... why did you say you were pregnant in your speech? Alfred asks, confused.

Hope and Scott approach, very interested in the unfolding of the discussion.

I look to Florence for help.

I don't want to have to make up more lies.

She gives up.

"Actually, I might be pregnant," she finally confesses.

And all the attention turns to her.

- Like this? "Sean is the first to speak.

'I'm still not sure!' That's why I asked Natasha not to say anything! Apparently she forgot and almost told everyone.

— I remembered in time and that's why I said that I was the one who was pregnant.

- You're pregnant? — Sean transfers the bear hug to Florence.

"Maybe so, don't get so excited." Let's go to the doctor Monday to confirm straight! So no congratulations for now! She warns her in-laws.

'Don't be silly, Florence, of course you're pregnant!' Hope laughs and shifts her attention to me. "Natasha, you really are crazy!" How could she have invented that she was pregnant?

"That's what I wonder," Steve mutters, still angry.

"Well, the mess has settled, so let's get back to the party.
We have to start denying this pregnancy story. Good luck to everyone! Alfred orders and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Before I can take two steps to follow the family, Steve catches me.

— Where do you think you're going?

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