Chapter 15

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— Good God, what was that? He lets out a slow breath, as if he's run for miles out of a bunch of madhouse freaks and has finally found a hiding place.

I giggle, sitting up in bed.

“I wanted to feel sorry for you, but I don't. Well done for causing this situation! There is a certain triumph in my voice.

“Your mother is very liberal, letting me sleep here. He looks around, taking in my room, which has preserved the same decor since, around thirteen, I'd gotten rid of the teddy bears and pink curtains. Everything there was a little dismal, in shades of purple. Inheritance from my gentle gothic era.

“Actually, you're the first man they've let in here. I lean back on the pillow.

"And all that vast ex list?" Steve sits on the bed next to me.

I try to ignore the surge of arousal that makes my skin tingle just at his proximity. And he is in my bed. Holy crap! Hard to maintain my conviction in this circumstance.

“My parents would never let a guy in here. They may look modern, but they're not that much.

- But I am here.

— It must be because he is 'my fiancé'.

"So I'm the first guy in your bed?" His finger absently strokes my arm. Oh, dammit.

“Actually, I had a boyfriend who used to climb out of the window to be with me…wait, I think it was like three,” I correct, tugging at my memory.

"Did you have sex with your boyfriends in your room?" Did your parents never suspect?

"We were just making out, actually." I just lost my virginity at the high school graduation party.

"And this Saruman was before or after?"

- Later. I met him when I was in college.

"Have you had many boyfriends in college?" “Your fingers are playing with a lock of my hair.

— You are very curious!

- What's the problem? I just wanted to know who passed this bed before me...

“Ah…” I pull his hand away, realizing what he's doing. "Are you thinking I'm going to fuck you here?"

- Why not? Apparently it was implied in our agreement that they would be the same conditions as before.

- We didn't argue and I thought that this time it would be just business!

"No more sexual requests?"

- No!

His fingers caress my racing pulse. He knows I'm bluffing and he sucks.

“Um, if you don't have a request, maybe I do.

Oh God, my heart races ridiculously in my chest.

Why does he have to be so close and have that voice so immersive and perfect?

“I'm not having sex with you at my parents' house, Steve. "I try to appeal to some common sense inside my brain short-circuited by your seduction." — The walls here are very thin and, unlike your parents who take the lion's rest to put out, mine are light sleepers!

— So, who knows, maybe we can…

Without my knowing how, he's maneuvering me, his arms around me as he takes me down, his body insinuating himself over mine. My knees automatically open to receive him.

"Make out, like in your old days."

And suddenly he's kissing me and banishing my common sense, as well as any memories I might have of other kisses. Oh, he's really good at it...

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