Chapter 92

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Only when I wake up the next morning, I'm still in Natasha's room. Or rather, in our room, I correct myself.

- Good Morning. Natasha appears in the bedroom doorway, carrying Penelope on her lap.

She wears jeans and a sweater, thank God. I sit up, still sleepy and kind of despondent from the last couple of years still being a black hole in my mind.

- What's up? Remembered? - Natasha asks hopefully and I shake my head in the negative, feeling guilty as the smile dies on her face. "Oh...but it's okay. She smiles again. "You'll remember. I have plans for today! So get dressed and come down! And you don't even need a suit, okay?

I squint, afraid to ask what those plans are.

- Plans? - I take a chance.

"Let's take the day off.

- Day off? No way! We are a few days away from Christmas and today there is a company party.

- The company party has been cancelled.

- Because? "I'm surprised, not that I don't take some pleasure in this news.

"Mark thought it better, due to his accident. And don't even start with this boring workaholic CEO talk! You know you need some time to sort out this amnesia issue.

And without further ado, she leaves the room with Penelope.

As I'm getting dressed, I fight the urge to contradict her and put on my suit and say yes, I'm going to work, but deep down I know Natasha is right. Maybe I have no choice but to trust her plan. Whatever. I go down to the kitchen and the Russian nanny is feeding Penelope, who waves from her high chair.

I wave back shyly.

"That girl... I mean, Penelope, jumped into our bed last night.

Natasha laughs handing me a cup of coffee.

"She does that sometimes. I said it's not cool, but you let me.

- I allow?

- Yes, let it. In fact, Penelope gets along more with you than with me. I don't understand how this is possible! You live giving in to her wishes and yet she still obeys you when I need to. I think it has to do with that badass CEO gene you have, I don't know. It must be some strategy. I just know it doesn't work for me.

Okay, that doesn't make any sense.

The nanny takes Penelope out of the high chair. She's got her mouth all over banana porridge or something and she runs towards me, holding out her little arms.

- Daddy, kiss.

I look at Natasha scared and she shrugs.

"Penelope knows you're going to work and be gone all day, and she wants to say goodbye.

- What do I do?

"Just pick her up and let her kiss you.

Still a little awkward, I pick up the snotty girl and she wraps her arms around my neck, placing luscious kisses on my face, laughing. It's unexpectedly delicious, to be honest. I pass her on to the nanny.

"I'll take you to brush your teeth."

"Thanks, Irina," Natasha replies.

- Ah, today a package arrived for you.

Natasha's eyes light up!

- Great. The woman pulls away and I look back at Natasha across the kitchen counter.

"So what kind of fancy plan is this?" I don't know how taking time off can help anything.

"We're going out and I'm going to tell you exactly how we met and fell in love.

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