Chapter 54

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Hours later we're dropping off our coats at a hat shop at a very weird club.

The walls are dark and the half-lit environment is almost ghostly.

The security guard who pats me down seems pretty grumpy, but I think it's all an act, don't you?

Natasha looks like a child taken to the playground for the first time next to me.

I'd been quite surprised after I'd agreed with her idea, when I'd immediately said I already knew where I wanted to go.

"How come you already know?" I thought it was the first time I was going to a place like this.

- And is! But I researched and this place was nominated.

— Nominated by whom? I raise a puzzled eyebrow.

'For a friend!'

And now here we are walking down the hall to a lounge, which resembles any nightclub, with music playing, tables laid out and a bar serving drinks.

But in addition to that, right in the middle there is something that looks like a stage, full of gadgets and accessories to perform the most different fetishes.

A waiter approaches bringing me a whiskey and sparkling water for Natasha. Ordering her soft drink reminds me of her state and I feel a little guilty for bringing her here.

Maybe it's not the right time.

- Wow! Here is too much! - Natasha exclaims excitedly. "I want to know what those things are for!" She points to the ministage.

“Panel for Spanking, beams for Bondage and Shibari,” I reply, taking a sip of my drink.

Natasha's eyes narrow.

- How do you know? He's going to tell me he's some kind of domineering CEO like the guy in the red room of pain from that book!

I let out a laugh.

“Don't travel, Natasha. But like you, I was once very curious, and of course I had my time to pursue these fantasies, but that was it. Costumes. I like a perversion as you well know, but everything is normal.

"Oh, I almost feel like it's a pity..."

- Why? Please don't tell me you're a submissive and you'll make me beat you.

It's her turn to laugh.

"Why would I be a submissive?" Could be a dominatrix! Tell me, Steve, were you gonna let me hit you?

“I think I can imagine you wanting something like that, Natasha! I laugh, kissing her lightly.

Suddenly the music gets lower and the lights dim.

The waiter came to bring another whiskey and Natasha asks what's going on.

“The dominatrix of the night is coming in.

We look where he points and see a woman in a cape approaching.

When she arrives on stage, she removes her cape revealing a skin-tight leather outfit. There's something about her hair also covering her like a mask.

“She can call anyone to be her slave today. If you want to participate, put on the mask - the man says pointing to a mask on the table that he hadn't seen.

- Oh cool! Natasha takes the mask and without asking permission, she slips it on my head.

The leather piece catches up to my hair, leaving only my eyes and mouth hanging out.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

she laughs.

"It's going to be fun, relax!" Did you say you'd do anything to make me happy?

- This?!

She laughs and raises her hand.

“Hey, we have a slave for you! she yells at the dominatrix on stage, who cracks her whip on the floor and comes towards us.

Fuck the fuck, where had I gotten myself?

"Natasha, I don't like these things, you can't be serious...

"Stop being silly, it's going to be cool!"

The leather woman comes to where we are and cracks her whip on the table, startling me.

Damn it!

"Come with me, slave!" She holds something to her mask, a chain near my neck that I haven't seen before and I have no choice but to let myself pull the strange figure onto the stage.

But when I get there, I decide I've gone too far.

Natasha must be laughing in my face. That's it.

She wants to tease and punish me for the new boss thing. But she's enough.

But before I can do anything, the dominatrix cracks her whip again, this time at my shirt.

Damn, that hurts.

"On your knees, slave!"

And that's when I recognize that voice.

It's the voice that has haunted me since I became the CEO of DBS.

The voice of my secretary Wanda.


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