Chapter 8

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Steve Rogers is kissing me.

And it only takes a few seconds for me to forget any memories that existed in my mind of other kisses.

There was no comparison.

There were good kisses and there was Steve Rogers.

I close my eyes and slide with him over the ice as his lips move over mine, tasting, teasing, arousing.

I let out a moan, totally lost in the incredible sensations I didn't even know a kiss could cause. My entire body is about to spontaneously combust as Steve slides his tongue into my mouth, moaning in the process, causing a shiver of pure pleasure to run down my spine and a hot, eager desire to run over my skin and settle between mine. legs with an urgent throb.

Holy shit, how did he get it?

In a few seconds not only did it become the best kiss ever, he got me ready to rip off our clothes and beg me to fulfill his part of the deal, like, now!

"Get a room!" Sean's amused voice yells from somewhere very close and Steve finally ends the kiss.

I open my eyes, red as a pepper and breathless, to see Steve's brothers snickering.

I stare at him, my heart racing in my chest, in a way that makes me apprehensive and excited at the same time.

I get lost in the depths of his eyes, which stare at me as if he's never seen me before. I want to smile and say that everything is fine. That although I dreamed of that kiss since I saw it for the first time, I was also surprised by the strength of the sensations and emotions that took me by storm.

Then Steve turns his attention to his brothers with an analytical look.

"I think they believed it."

Wait. Which?

What the fuck is he saying?

My heart sinking in my chest, I realize that Steve kissed me just to make a show of it for his family.

I push him away angrily, not just with him, with me as well.

“Natasha, what…” He stares at me confused as I slide out of his arms.

Straight to the ground.

Steve appears above me seconds later.

"Are you crazy?" - He holds out his hand and, with no alternative, I let him get up, without disguising my displeasure. - What's it? Why did you walk away? he asks when he takes me out of the skating rink.

"All right, Natasha?" Hope walks past us and I force myself to smile.

"Yes, it was just my right ulna bone injury!"

“Oh, of course. Did you hurt yourself?

“She'll be fine,” Steve replies as we finally get off the track and I can let go of him, sitting up to get the damn skates off.

Steve takes his off silently too and then looks at me.

"Why the hell are you looking like that?"

I bite my lip, not knowing what to say. Could it be 'I'm pissed because you kissed me just to reinforce the betrothal sham for your family.'?

Because it's absolutely true.

And I'm not just mad. I am disappointed.

I feel like sitting down and crying.

Which makes me so scared that I want to ask him to end that deal right away.

'Without passing Steve's bed?' an insidious little voice whispers to me, making my heart sink even further.

I was in a huge mess and I didn't know how to get out of it without getting hurt. But I had to try.

That farce was getting too dangerous for me. And if I was already a mess from just one kiss, how would I be after Steve was inside me?

After that kiss, I knew Steve and I would be dynamite together. And obviously it meant nothing to him. He would sleep with me and then chase me out of his life without caring about my feelings.

And whose fault was it?

I made up that sex story in exchange for the betrothal farce.

Maybe Steve wouldn't even mind if I said I didn't want to anymore.

I mean, it wasn't a matter of wanting it, was it?

I had never wanted someone so much in my life, although I was beginning to realize that backing down might be the best way out. So, who knows, when this weekend was over, I would still have a chance to eliminate Steve from my system.

“Change of plans,” I say and Steve narrows his eyes.

- What?

"Remember I said I wanted to spend a night with you?"

- Yes? Steve's eyes narrow further.

"So I'm releasing you from your part of the deal."

Steve looks confused for a moment and I want him to say 'Okay, no problem.' with the professional tone of voice that is unique to him.

But he looks a little disoriented.

"What the fuck are you saying?"

“I think you understand. I don't want to fuck you anymore.

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