Chapter 64

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'My goodness, Florence, how can you still walk! I exclaim, very impressed not only with the size of Sean's wife's belly, but also with the fact that she is wearing a stiletto heel and a black dress that marks every curve. Florence looked more like something out of that Netflix series “Mothers and Divas”.

"I can't believe you're nine months old now!"

- People get used to it! - She laughs.

We're walking down Oxford Street after spending the day shopping for the baby's layette. And I must say that I never imagined it could be so much fun.

Florence, obviously, had everything ready for the arrival of her baby who would be born soon, there in Newcastle, the city where she lives with Sean, Steve's brother who is a rugby player. But I hadn't bought anything yet. In fact, I had no idea what to buy, so I agreed to wait for Florence to come to London to help me.

Steve was very pleased that I had the help of Florence, who, according to him, “would guide me not to buy things that would be useless”.

“Steve, I'm not that vain! “I had refuted it.

"You're not futile, you're impulsive!" And exaggerated.” He corrected himself, but it didn't do much good.

What Steve didn't know was that Florence wasn't the model of a measured, sensible mother he was imagining.

She just went crazy along with me as we went from store to store, drooling over the cutest clothes and the most beautiful accessories.

The first store we entered was already a wreck.

"You're going to love this store!" The second floor is a paradise for useless things, but when we catch our eye, we think it's absolutely essential! For people who want to keep their shopping list only with the basics, they have to stay away from this store.

"I don't just want the basics!" I want to buy everything I'm entitled to!

"I knew you were going to say that!" Mamas & Papas is full of those things you know you don't need, but don't know how you're going to live without.

"But don't we have a list?" I still tried to be thoughtful, remembering that Florence had told me that she would make a list of everything I would need.

- Yes we have. But you won't be able to hold on to it alone. The list is just a guide, so we don't forget anything that is essential.

And she was right. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets, there were so many tiny clothes, one cuter than the other.

"Can you imagine a baby can fit in here?" I commented, picking up a pink crochet bodysuit.

"You're so lucky to have a girl!" Boys are so restricted! she said, putting a bunch of dresses in my basket.

"But it doesn't have to be!" Times are different! You can put a dress on your child if you want! — Yes, my mind had been enlightened with so many bold ideas. “I can already imagine little Alexander Rogers wearing dresses and breaking all the gender rules! Florence, you were going to be famous!

'Have you gone crazy?' Sean was going to kill me! Let's stick to clothes for your baby girl!

— Look, Florence, those carts! — I was crazy about the strollers (they even had a stroller for the mother to run with the child! Okay, I didn't, but I bought one anyway. I could already imagine myself as a fitness mom rocking Hyde Park).

Now I was dead tired and I convinced Florence to go for tea at Elan Café. Of course all our purchases would be delivered
straight to my house.

- I'm starving!

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