Chapter 5

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For a moment I can't make a sound.

In fact, I can't even think straight.

My mind just repeats Steve Rogers' magic words.

"I accept."


He accepted! I'm sure my heart stopped beating, such was the emotion. Honestly, while showering I analyzed my unusual conversation with Steve and, like, what the hell was I thinking?

Did he really think that the CEO of DBS Enterprises, that handsome, rich, and more inaccessible guy than a prince would agree to sleep with me?

Okay, he seems kind of clueless for coming up with that crazy fake bride farce, so agreeing to fuck me so I could pretend for a few hours to be that bride was going too far.

But I had to try, didn't I?

The only thing I've done all week is dream about him, so how could I pass up the opportunity? But even someone optimistic like me knew the odds were slim to none. Steve made it clear that he didn't get involved with female employees.

And worse, he hadn't shown any interest in me. That was the sad truth.

Coming to that conclusion left me with a silly little pain in my chest and a lump in my throat, but I had to be realistic: I was lucky he didn't laugh in my face or kick me out of his apartment.

And as I walked back to his room not knowing what was going to happen, I wondered if he still had a job. I doubted it very much.

Yet here I am, holding the towel to my body and my mouth open in shock, while Steve Rogers, in all his perfection, awaits my reaction.

I blush when I realize how exposed I am, and now that the impact of the positive response is wearing off, I begin to realize that Steve is measuring me. And with very male interest.

Oh God. Whole choir now and it's not even embarrassed anymore.

I feel a tingling that goes from the tip of my toes to the roots of my hair and I start to have problems breathing.

Steve Rogers is looking at me. Really looking!

The way I imagined it in my wildest dreams.

I suddenly feel like a child on Christmas morning when she opens her long-awaited gift, the one she's dreamed of winning all year.

Christmas came early for me this year.

Best Christmas ever!

And there was still a week to go!

Thank you Santa Claus.

Damn, thank you so much!

And through my epiphany, I realize Steve is probably waiting for me to say something.

I clear my throat, trying to find the right words to say in these situations.

What could it be?

“When are we going to do it”?

Oh, dammit, did that awkward silence and his thirsty gaze tell me we were going to do it, like this, now?


I lose my breath and my brain turns to jelly.

The poor guy is going to collapse. And maybe my whole body will collapse too, such is the heat I'm feeling.

And the only thing I can think is: Thank God I'm up to date with my hair removal!


And what should I do? Jumping into bed?

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