Chapter 98

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I should have locked Steve in the basement.

I think for the umpteenth time as I cuddle Penelope.

I shouldn't have let him go so easily.

But I had listened to my mother's advice. Give space. Let Steve decide what he wanted. Even if he decided he didn't want me.

It was very hard to watch him go, even harder to spend that week waiting to see if he would remember and come back. Or if I wasn't going to resist and go after him like one of those desperate, needy women. I could already visualize myself screaming at the door of DBS with Penelope on my lap, all disheveled and wearing horrible clothes: "Steve, you can't leave me! If you don't come back to me I'll ruin your life!" And all my colleagues walking past me with pitying looks.

My God, is this my future? Am I going to be an alcoholic divorcee with no fashion sense who doesn't even get a manicure? Maybe I'll join GAMIMVAT and spend the rest of my days cutting off the penises of club members' abusive husbands or whatever it's called.

Penelope finally falls asleep and I put her in her crib.

She misses Steve too. She keeps asking for him.

I kiss her little face and go down to the empty room.

I should have gone to my mother's, but I wasn't in the slightest mood to fraternize. Nothing seems to make sense without Steve, it's like my life is missing a piece. incomplete.

I'm seriously considering getting drunk watching Christmas movies on TV when I hear a car pulling up in front of my house.

I open the door and am surprised to see Steve getting out of the car. Wearing her Christmas sweater and holding a puppy in her hand.

"Steve and... dog?"

He smiles getting closer and without saying anything pulls me by the back of my head and kisses me.

Oh damn, is this really happening or have I already been drinking and am hallucinating alcohol?

Steve groans into my mouth as he pushes me inside and slams the door with his feet as he drops the dog on the floor and hugs me.

What to know? Who cares? If I'm dreaming this is infinitely better than the boring reality I'm living in so I hug him back, loving it when he picks me up and carries me upstairs.

In seconds we're in the bedroom and Steve is ripping my clothes off like I rip off his.

Okay, the sweater really sucks, even more so when Steve's bare chest appears for my appreciation.

- I'm dreaming? I manage to stammer at some point and Steve laughs, coming on top of me, naked and handsome and filling me as if he hasn't been there in years. And we both moan as his fingers intertwine with mine.

"Damn, it can't be a dream..."

'Why do you think you're dreaming?'

- Why are you here?

'Why do you think I'm here?'

- I don't know...

He slides his lips down my cheek to my ear.

"I think I have a thing for crazy people with fractures in their right ulna bone..."

And then he's moving furiously inside me and ripping gasps from my throat and the most incredible pleasure from my body. And I forget about everything else, until there's nothing left but the two of us. Together. How should be.

When it's over, I'm clinging to it so tightly I doubt I'll ever let it go. Oh fuck it! I've given you too much space.

"Don't even think about going anywhere," I mutter, still panting, and Steve smiles.

'Why would I?'

And then something about his gaze makes my heart race.

- You remember?...

"Yes," he confirms and I feel like I'm going to explode with happiness.

- I knew! I knew sex was the key to everything!

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I remembered a few hours ago.

I pull away from him, sitting up on the bed and Steve does the same.

- What happened?

- I was in my apartment feeling miserable. Alone and I decided I wanted to see you.

- Serious? Even without remembering me?

"Life without you sucks, Nat.

'But you forgot me!'

- I know. I think I was... kind of suffocated.

"Oh, so that was it? My mother said so, but why didn't she tell me?

"I don't think I even realized it, but this week without you has been a complete bore. It didn't seem to make sense, even though I don't remember our wedding. When I decided I wanted to come stay with you, I got in the car and it was suddenly like seeing you back there again. And I remembered everything. He hugs me and takes me close. "I remembered how irresistible it was for me. How it arrived and changed everything and made me see that life is more than work and career. How happy he made me, even though he drove me crazy with his intensity.

"But he was feeling suffocated with this intensity.

"Your intensity is frightening, but it's also passionate, Natasha Romanoff.

-Natasha Rogers. I smile and he kisses me.

Then I remember something.

'And that dog?'

- I bought it for Penelope.

"Oh my God, she's going to love it!"

'And where is she?'

- Sleeping. She missed you.

"I missed her too.

"And did you miss me?"

"More than anything... I love you, Natasha.

- I know, but I never Oh, do this to me, because if you do, I won't hesitate to lock you in the basement, ok?

"I will never forget you again.

He kisses me and I finally feel whole again.

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