Chapter 66

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When we get home, I'm surprised by a bunch of packages, bags and the like scattered everywhere.

“Natasha, what the hell is this all about?

"Our purchases have arrived!" Natasha runs to the packages and starts opening everything like a child on Christmas morning.

I can't move and I think I'm having a stroke, such is my shock as Natasha keeps going from bag to bag spreading
an infinity of tiny clothes, shoes, bottles and a lot of other things that I have no idea what they are for.

“Did you freak out? How many children do you think we will have?

— Thank God, only one! Well, for now! She lifts up a pink dress. "Look at this, isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes, it's beautiful, but... it seems too big to me..."

“He's for when she's ten months old.

"Then why did you buy it now?"

"Because that's what's called a trousseau!"

'And what is it?' "Do I get something that looks like a… beer bong?"

"It's to get milk from my breasts, isn't it bizarre?"

I try to imagine what she's talking about, but I give up and go over to some carts.

- It is?

- It is not obvious? A baby stroller.

“Why am I seeing four of them here?

— Because one is a jogging cart! Isn't it great? Can you imagine me running in the park pushing our baby?

“You don't run, Natasha!

"I'll start running when the baby is born!" I'm really going to have to get back in shape!

"I thought they had a list!" That I wouldn't exaggerate! I wonder how much you spent on all this!

And I thought Florence had sense! Apparently she hadn't helped keep Natasha in line.

'I'm not exaggerating!' Stop being a cheapskate! Look at this coat? — She shows a little red coat. "Doesn't it look like the one we saw on Princess Charlotte?"

"So I think you've already bought everything?"

- Do not know yet...

"Natasha... On top of all that, didn't you buy what was on the list?"

- Yes but...

'Then come!' We don't even have a place to put all this stuff!

"That's why I'm going back to the subject of the new house!"

Here we go. I start picking up packages from the floor.

“We've already talked about this.

- No! You say we don't need to change! But we need to decorate the baby's room and...

“Natasha, I have three extra bedrooms in this apartment.

“Guest rooms for when your family or mine comes to town!

"I know you still have that crazy castle idea..."

'She's not crazy!' Henry has a castle! You should have one too!

"Henry inherited the damn castle and you want to know?" He didn't even want to live there!

"How can anyone not want to be a duke... I don't understand that!"

"How about we take everything to one of the bedrooms?" And you already choose which room will be the baby's?

"I need to think more..."

“Fine, but I just hope you don't buy anything else.

- Clear. Understood... Maybe I just bought a few more things on the internet...

A week later

"Natasha, did you order a bike?"

'Isn't she beautiful?' Look at these drawn flowers, and there's this little basket!

"It will take our daughter five years to be able to use this..."

- And? At least we won't have to think about a five-year present!

Two weeks later

— Did you buy a potty with a tablet? Where did you get this thing? I look in horror at the box that just arrived.

- Is not cool? When the baby starts using the potty, she will be able to distract herself with a movie or drawing, or even a game! Seriously, I think it should be for adults too!

Three weeks later

— 'Alarm to let you know there's poop in the baby's diaper?', does that work?

"On the box it says yes!" - Natasha responds distractedly, reading the instructions on the box.

'Is that why you bought three?'

"We're first-time parents, we're going to need this!"

Four weeks later

— Baby clothes mop?

I hold the suit that contains some mops on my legs and arms.

- Is not cool? Bought on a Japanese site! Baby can learn to crawl and even clean the floor!

Five weeks later

— Baby wig? Natasha have you gone crazy for good?

I analyze the bizarre wig in Natasha's hand.

- No! I saw pictures of you and you were bald as a baby! Our baby can pull you and we'll need to fix her style!

"Is our daughter going to wear a wig?" This can't be right, Natasha!

"Stop being old-fashioned!" She will be beautiful!

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