Chapter 24

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When do you know if you're dreaming or awake?

Yes, because I still feel like pinching myself when I realize I'm engaged to Steve Rogers.



I must have spent my entire lifetime share of luck! There goes my dream of winning the lottery or being discovered a lost Kardashian sister.

Who cares?

I just had a really crazy fuck with my handsome fiancé in his office and not even Erin's annoying voice calling my attention all afternoon for anything nonsense (that's when he wouldn't make me serve her coffee. Seriously, she was incapable or what "Didn't you know how to get your own coffee?" would wipe the happy smile from my lips.

And it's going to get even better, because in five minutes I was going to punch in and walk out the DBS doors straight into the arms of my amazing fiancé.

Finally alone!

He's taking me to his apartment, or rather his bed.

I hope so, because, let's face it, we're past the stage of screwing around with dinner, wine and small talk. After all, I had gone from invisible employee to (real) bride in less than a month. In fact, I'm sure it was a world record.

Could I claim my name and Steve's in the Guinness Book? I jot it down in my schedule for tomorrow morning and throw my fist in the air in victory when I see I've given my schedule.

I get up excitedly, grabbing my bag, and before I make it to the elevator, Hill and Rachel surround me.

“Not so fast, young lady! 'Hill takes my arm.

“Hill, I'm in a hurry…” I try to pull away as I press the button to call the elevator and notice that other employees are crowding there, all eager to go home.

— Ah, poor thing, you're so sad you just want to go home to suffer, isn't that right? Rachel says with a pitying look.

“No, I…” “Then I remember that I must have been grieving over the end of my tempestuous engagement.

Oh yes.

I let my face fall in dismay, faking a sad expression for Rachel.

— Yeah, it hasn't been easy… Just this afternoon I had to contain three impulses to commit suicide.

"Oh, poor thing!"

“We're not letting you go home and stuff yourself with ice cream and TV romantic comedy. Hill smiles.

There is? What is Hill talking about?

I'm not the one who sits at home crying while drinking gallons of ice cream watching Nicholas Sparks movies when I break up, it's her!

I do more the vindictive ex-girlfriend style that blows the tire on the ex's car or, if I don't care, go out to celebrate by drinking them all and kissing as many mouths as possible.

Not that I would ever need to do this again, of course.

And it was also good for me to remember never to comment on that in front of Steve. It's enough that my parents gave you a taste of all the failed dating weird guys from my lost years.

Now that's all in the past. I have a fiance.

A handsome, rich (and fantastic in bed) groom.

Obviously, Hill, Rachel and not even anyone else knows it.

“Maria, I don't do these things,” I continue, stepping into the elevator, which soon becomes crowded.

- Oh yes. I remember you like to enjoy the cesspool in another way.

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