Chapter 100

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"Natasha, are you out of your mind?"

I startle at the sound of Steve's voice above me and jump off the couch, my laptop flying out of my hands and landing on the floor with a thud.

I turn to face the icy, horrified gaze of my husband who has crept across the room like a Mossad spy, to peer over my head at what I was doing.

-Steve! Was it spying on me? He scared me!

I crouch down to rescue the poor notebook, which miraculously appears to have suffered no damage.

"I'm scared!" What does it mean there?

He walks around putting himself in front of me with his hand on his hip. I check the status of the notebook, worried.

- This what?

"Don't play dumb. You know what I'm talking about.

- I'm organizing ideas for Penelope's birthday. Or did you forget that in a month our daughter turns three? And you know I was very confused about the topic...

"And it looks like you've already made up your mind on the subject."

I break into a beaming smile.

- Yes! It 's not perfect?

"I'll ask you again: are you out of your mind?"

- What's the problem?

Right. I should have known Steve would get into trouble with the theme I chose for our daughter's party.

"The problem is that the theme of our daughter's party is the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

"Isn't it amazing and original?" Yes I know.

I am very creative and my ideas are always bold and original. But this time, I think I've outdone myself. When Penelope was two years old, I got carried away by the cliché and the topic was that clueless pig, Peppa, just because Penelope was mesmerized by the cartoon for hours. I know I said I wouldn't let my daughter be addicted to screens, after all, I'm a modern mother and in line with the new times, but honestly, are we Amish by any chance? And I saw the reality show about the poor Amish kids raised without being able to watch TV and use flat irons. Absurd.

"Original?" It's macabre and pointless!

I roll my eyes at Steve's lack of vision.

But what can I do? Steve is the numbers guy and I am the family creative. Sometimes it's hard to carry that burden of brilliant mind. This must be how Lady Gaga feels most of the time.

"Steve, you're so closed-minded! Does this have to do with your Nordic heritage?

"What Nordic heritage?"

"From the Vikings?

"I have no Viking heritage!"

'Sure you are, from the barbarians who invaded Britain a thousand years ago or something like that?'

"We're getting off topic here!" You're not going to have our daughter's birthday with a horrendous theme like this!

"It's not awful!" It's going to be original, no kid has had such a cool theme. The other mothers will die of envy! I can already see it... Penelope's party will be talked about for weeks, months! Years, even! Everyone will want to copy it, but I will be known as the most original mother of all. Bold mind, ahead of time, just like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. Oh, I might even change careers! I will organize parties. The hottest children's parties in London!

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