Chapter 26

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How did we get to that point?

Seriously, someone up there must have hated me a lot to put me in that bizarre situation, crouching hidden behind my boss's desk, whom I had just given oral sex to (example, by the way). Okay, the boss in question is my fiancé, but honestly, he's embarrassing all the same!

“Hey James, I had forgotten about this meeting,” Steve starts to say as he zips up his fly, taking a handful of my hair in the process. I stop myself from screaming and tap his leg to loosen my hair, at which Steve swears.

I can only imagine James' confused face.

- It's all right? You look a little…weird,” James says cautiously.

“I'm just… I'm really not feeling well,” Steve replies quickly, managing to free my hair, thank God!

“I imagine it's because of that video.

I feel Steve's tension.

“I mean, not that I've seen. “James must have also noticed the ball out when he mentioned the “Macarena” video to Steve. — You know how gossip is, I mean, not that it's gossip… My secretary Libby was watching when I got to the room and… Well, I didn't want to see it, I even asked her to hang up, I could tell it was embarrassing, I mean …

“James, that's enough,” Steve cuts him off. — The video was just a stupid prank. I ran into some company people yesterday at the pub and just wanted them to know that I can be a normal person.

— Dancing the “Macarena”?

Shut up, James!

I can see Steve's fists clenching and I dig my nails into his leg for him to end the small talk with James, because my knees are already hurting from being in this position.

“Anyway, like I said…” Steve stands up. “I don't feel very well at the moment.

"Are you going to cancel our meeting?" James looks confused. I see Steve's feet beside the clerk's feet, leading him out.

- Of course not. Give me fifteen minutes. I'll splash some water on my face and I'll be fine.

- Hangover? James suggests.

Heck, doesn't he get tired of testing Steve's patience?

"See you later, James!" Steve closes the door and I finally manage to get up, not without some difficulty, from my disgraceful post.

"Wow, that was close!" I wipe my knees and laugh, but when I look at Steve he's not laughing. “Okay, it wasn't funny.

“You're leaving here and you're not coming back,” he says in that super-powered CEO voice with a freezing gaze. - Do we have a deal?
Do you know what would happen if James caught you here, with... with...

"Your dick in my mouth?" — complete and Steve swears angrily.

“Damn it, Natasha!

“Okay, you're right. I better not come back here anymore.
Remember, it was you who asked me to come! I said it wasn't a good idea.

"It wasn't for you to give me a blowjob, it was for us to talk civilly."

"Okay, just keep that raped face, Mr Rogers!"
You should thank me! It might not look like it, but it wasn't any fun kneeling there in fear of being caught by the CFO! I don't feel like being the Monica Levinsky of the 2000s! And my knees are even a little scratchy! I walk past him and open the door. Too late, I remember Wanda.

Ignoring Steve's alarmed face, I close the door behind me and find Wanda staring at me from behind her computer. She wears big, dark-rimmed glasses that make her even weirder.

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