Chapter 90

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It's all going wrong.

This is not how I imagined the night would end!

When the doctor told me Steve had amnesia I kept calm and told myself I would remind him of me. Of course he would remember! I thought it was just to bring him to our house. He would see our home, he would see Penelope and everything we had together, and he would surely open his mind to the memories. But none of that happened.

First he was attacked by Achilles. Then I showed him around the house and I felt like a talkative realtor and Steve was the annoying customer who had absolutely no interest in the property.

I felt like it might work when he saw his office and the beloved vinyls, but he still didn't seem to know what the fuck was going on and then locked himself in there with his laptop saying he was going to work.

Well, that terrible habit he didn't forget and even so I pretended everything was fine and let it go. Okay, if he went to work, who knows then he'd remember something?

However, he hid there until I called him to dinner.

I even believed that, sitting at the table like a family, with Penelope throwing carrot soup all over the place—as he always did and it drove me crazy—he would remember how he managed to stop her, in that badass CEO voice that drove everyone crazy. world in fear. But he didn't. Penelope smeared all over the wall and my clothes, while I tried to feed her and Steve just looked away in horror.

- This is normal? he even asked when I finally took Penelope out of the armchair, wiping her little hands and taking off her bib so that she ran screaming into the living room.

“Yes, it is,” I grumbled.

But Steve followed the little figure of Penelope running around like she was Chucky incarnate or something.

'So, any memories?' I asked hopefully.

- None. I still think I don't even live here.

I sighed wearily. But I didn't give up.

— Did you like the food?

I know Steve loved that dish. It's shrimp linguine.

"Yes, it's great," he replied politely.

“Do you remember when I gave Barbara food poisoning? - I laughed and Steve stared at me in horror.

“Did you give Barbara food poisoning?”

- It was nothing. I shrugged, taking a sip of wine. "I didn't even know she was allergic... It was an accident."

- My God! Barbara is a shareholder!

“And she didn't even know we were dating and I had to pretend she was a hired cook. - I laughed even more when I remembered. - It was funny.

'You think that's funny?'

"Um, actually, funnier was when you thought I'd poisoned you with rat poison!"

Steve stopped chewing instantly, staring at me scared.

- What? Did you try to poison me?

- Of course. I just wanted to scare you. I was mad that you hired a new PR manager and left me out.

- Like this? What happened to Erin?

“Oh, don't you remember that Erin accused me of trying to kill her by throwing her down the stairs at her parents' house?

Steve paled.

“Did you try to kill Erin?

- No. But she hated me and just wanted to harm me. It's not my fault she fell... I'm super-peaceful, Steve, imagine if she would harm anyone.

Steve stared at me like he couldn't believe it. In fact he looked quite scared.

And I had an idea.

"I think I need to tell you, don't you?"

- Tell what?

- All! Maybe it'll be easier if I tell you everything that's happened in those two years and...

“I'm going back to work. “And he practically ran off to the office and I wanted to yell at him to go do the dishes, but I let it go.

Now, I go back to the office after putting Penelope to bed.

- What's up?

“Too much information to absorb. Looks like we did a lot of business in those two years...

“Yeah, that's what it looks like,” I mutter dejectedly, “but I think it's time for bed.

Steve looks at me suspiciously, and as he closes his laptop and stands up, following me out of the office, it looks like he's pondering his words.

"About that… You don't expect us to sleep together, do you?"

'And where else would you sleep?' I stop halfway down the stairs staring at him.

"I don't think…appropriate…"

"Oh Steve, are you serious?" You don't remember, but we're married!

“Exactly, I don't remember.

'But you will remember!' — I am emphatic. "Then let's sleep together, yes."

Before I can continue my explanation, my cell phone rings. I see Sophia's name flashing in the viewfinder.

— I have to answer.

I walk downstairs, wanting to talk to Sophia away from Steve.

— Hi Sophia.

"Natasha what happened?" Henry told me about some crazy story about Steve losing his memory?

“It's crazy, but true! “I tell her everything that happened.

— Wow, how strange! Now Steve doesn't even know you and Penelope exist?

“Well, he knows, doesn't he? But it's like we're strangers to him! You have to see, he keeps looking at me like I'm crazy. Just me! That I am a well of common sense.

— crazyit's him, who forgot everything, seriously!

“I agree with you, but I don't know what to do… it's so sad. I blink to chase the urge to cry.

I'm trying to be strong, but it's hard when the guy you love to the point of obsession doesn't even remember that he loves you too. If you love it, right? I think somberly.

'How could he have forgotten?' I whisper to Sophia.

“Oh, Natasha, don't be like that. Steve will remember, of course he will!

- But when? It is like?

“You are the most determined person I know. I'm sure if there's someone who will be able to untie this knot and show Steve that they love each other and are a family, it's you.

- Yes, you're right. It's no use standing here whining. Steve is pretty mad if he thinks he's going to get rid of me!

I hang up and take a deep breath.

What I'll do? Well, right now Steve is in our room. A smile stretches across my face.

Okay, back at the office he didn't want to have sex with me because he thought I was just a perverted employee, but now he knows we're married. So we can have sex. That. This is my plan. I'm sure Steve will remember everything when I show him exactly how perfect we are together.

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