Chapter 77

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- You must be kidding! Steve snaps as soon as we walk into his office after the meeting.

— No need to scream, what do you want Wanda to think? I whisper, and Steve rolls his eyes impatiently.

"When you come here to have sex, you don't worry that Wanda is listening!"

- Do not change the subject.

"You're the one who's changing!" Why are you spying on our house's security cameras in the middle of a meeting?

- It's perfectly normal! That's why we installed those cameras.

“It's not normal to spend all your time watching the nanny take care of our daughter like she's watching a damn reality show!

“Oh Steve, how cool would that be, huh? We would really make a great reality show! We would be like the Kardashians, only from England! Maybe I'll even get an ass facelift, to make it that big and...

— Don't start, Natasha, the matter is serious! You crossed the line!

- I do not think. You're exaggerating as usual.

"Do you realize you made a fool of yourself in front of everyone?"

I shrug.

“Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

"It's not like that, Natasha!" You should be paying attention to your work especially at the time of your presentation! instead it was
spying on the nanny!

“I was doing my presentation so well, you wouldn't even have noticed I was eavesdropping if it weren't for the little problem with the audio.

— Little trouble!

“Yes, you have to admit that I'm a very capable person, Steve.
I can do two things at once, unlike you.

“What the fuck are you talking about? I'm trying to make you understand that it's not permissible to spy on the nanny!

'Well, you should thank me, do you know she took a strange man home today?'

- What?

"Yes, what if it's a comrade of hers?"

"Comrade, what the fuck are you saying?"

“Well, there's no evidence yet, it's a hunch.

— Guess?

— Yes, she is Russian.

- And?

'If you're a spy?'

"Has she gone crazy?"

- Maybe yes maybe no! Why did she let a very strange man into the house and he was fiddling with our phones?

"You mean the man from the Telephone Company?"

"Are you sure it is?"

“Of course I did, I was told they were going to check the lines today, Natasha, for God's sake! Holy shit! Steve throws his hands up and walks away sitting behind his desk. — Seriously, that's enough, I have a lot of things to do and I can't even talk to you when you start with these crazy things!

"It's not piracy...

“I just hope you stop spying on the nanny.

“But I don't, it was just today,” I lie blatantly.

It's just that Steve knows very well when I'm lying.

- I doubt it.

“Okay, I always spy!

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