Chapter 41

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How did I end up slipping into a fake engagement again?

And with the same guy?

That's what I ask myself as Steve drives. He insisted on taking me home after I agreed to his demands that he participate in my marriage sham.

'You look like a punk hit by a bus, you're in no shape to be walking around!' He grumbled when I tried to get out of the car. - I'll take you.

I ended up agreeing because, right? He was absolutely right. I really didn't look the best.

At other times I would be very worried, but at the moment I don't care at all. First, because I don't need to impress Steve in any way, since he's not my fiancé anymore. Second, because I still feel devastated by my grandmother's situation.

She said she didn't want me to be sad, she even made me promise not to cry around the corners.

“I don't want you to be unhappy. You have a lot to smile about, after all, you're marrying your Steve,” she'd said, patting my hand, just like she used to when I was little and sad. 'You'll make me annoyed if you whimper around!' I will be happy if you are
happy my dear.

And I promised her I would do my best to be okay for her. And I walked out of the hospital straight to DBS, to convince Steve that he needed to marry me. Obviously, despite all my promises to my grandmother, I had no intention of actually marrying Steve. We could do a little role-play to make my grandmother happy. And while lying to her made me feel a little guilty, I preferred that to telling the truth and seeing her all worried about me.

It was a small lie for the greater good.

Now I wasn't just Steve's fake fiancée again. I'd have to fake marry him too.

And he even had the guts to rebut my proposal the same way I rebutted his at Christmas.

My first reaction was to respond with a resounding “no way,” but I couldn't afford Steve refusing to be my fake fiancé.

And even though I was angry at him for being such a jerk, I accepted.
Now, as he parks his car in the parking lot of his building, I wonder if he brought me to his house because he's going to want his pay. And instead of sending him to the motherfucker, I feel almost anxious for that to be the case.

Okay, I'm an idiot for still having any feelings for that guy after all, but the truth is, I'm almost glad he's here with me, even though it's in a notorious fake engagement.

Oh God, how much of a fool can a person be?
And why is my heart beating fast in my chest when we get out of the car and he holds my hand?

“This isn't my house,” I mutter as we enter the elevator.

“I wasn't going to leave you alone.

Did he need to look genuinely concerned?

It just makes me feel like crying and asking you to hold me.

“You could have asked if I wanted to come to your house,” I complain and he holds my gaze.

"Do you want me to take you to your house?"

Oh hell!

- I do not want to be alone. “I choose the truth.

“That's what I've been meaning since the moment I decided to bring you, Natasha.

When we walk into his apartment, I feel a little out of place. It's weird being there again.

“You look exhausted. Steve fixes his appraising gaze on me.

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