Chapter 86

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“Oh my God, I killed Steve! I mumble as the paramedics take Steve's gurney from the room and Wanda dances around herself with incense in her hands.

“Didn't, Natasha. He just passed out! Mark says next to me.

"Yes, Natasha, everything will be fine..." Wanda smiles. “If I still believed in evil spirits, I'd say Steve has a backrest, but it's probably just his aura that needs cleaning… And I think yours does too…” She waves the incense at my face. making me cough.

“Stop it, Wanda!

“Yes, Wanda, stop it and get back to work,” Mark asks. “I'll take you to the ER to accompany Steve, okay?

I nod as Mark leads me through the halls to the parking lot. We get in his car and Mark gives me a worried look.

- What happened?

- I don't know! It's been weird since yesterday. Steve disappeared without explanation and this morning acted like he didn't know me in the elevator and then I went to his office, you know, to talk. — I turn red. Of course I'm not going to tell Mark what I was doing in Steve's office. — And I must have been mad at him… — Again, I deflect. I don't want Mark to know that Steve is probably a cheating asshole.

I feel my heart sinking in my chest as I remember the pictures.

Holly had called to tell Steve that she saw him yesterday playing bachelor in the pub and flirting with an unknown woman.

I didn't believe it and she said she had proof and sent the pictures.

So Steve hadn't run off just to work, he'd run off as well. And he was still pretending he didn't know me. Motherfucker! But what does it all mean, I wonder.

"So you hit him with your cell phone anyway?" Mark asks and I blush again.

“It wasn't quite like that. I just lost my posture a little, like, slightly... It wasn't supposed to hurt... — Okay, at the time I just saw everything red and I really wanted to hurt Steve for having screwed and hurt me. But I didn't really want to hurt, of course not. What if he was scarred for the rest of his life? What if I never woke up again? I'm too young to be a widow! And Penelope? Without father? She will grow up being bullied at school, become aggressive with her peers and get kicked out of Princess Charlotte's high school! (Yes, I'm already researching the college the royal princes attend to enroll Penelope there too. Is it important that she grows up in good company and wants company better than royalty? Steve doesn't understand this, but I've talked to Sophia about it. and she super understands me and is willing to help me in whatever it takes, since she's a duchess and it must be easy for her to get these things, like a place in the best schools, or crack from the best supplier or something. buy crack, but anyway…).

How will Penelope grow up without a father? What if I myself become an alcoholic after the loss of Steve and am not able to care for my daughter? She's going to be taken to an orphanage and she's going to grow up all needy like Anne of Green Gables.

“Don't worry, she'll be fine.

I only notice I'm crying when Mark pats me on the shoulder with his white vampire hand.

“We're here.

We park at the hospital and head to reception. They inform that Steve is undergoing several tests and that he is conscious.

- Fortunately. - I breathe more relieved. 'And he's talking about things?' “I still haven't ruled out the idea of ​​sequels.

Suddenly terrifying images flash through my head. Like Steve running through a flowery field and
screaming lingo lingo like in that turkish movie on netflix.

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