Chapter 60

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For a moment I think I'm in some sort of nightmare.

That alone explains that bizarre situation!

How did we get to this point? Where did my husband break into Victoria's Secret accusing me of sleeping with my gay boss?

Damn, Steve has crossed all the limits now!

— Gay? - he repeats stunned.

“I thought you knew,” Justin says. “I even thought you might be hitting on me when you got my dick in the bathroom.

"Did you handle Justin's dick?" I scream, horrified.

Steve's face takes on a guilty expression.

- No! I mean, maybe I did, but not with that intention, I didn't even know you were gay!

"And that's why you thought I was having sex with Justin?" “I'm so furious I can barely contain the urge to hit Steve.

How could he think something like that of me?

“What could I think?

Suddenly Justin's cell phone rings.

“I need to answer.

He walks away and I think he's quite content to get out of the firing line.

“Really, Steve? Seriously?

"You've spent the last two months just talking about this guy!" They even went shopping together!

"And wasn't that enough to make you realize he was gay?" Of course I shopped with Justin! He's got a lot of style!

- How could I know? The only thing I was noticing was that my wife was more excited than was appropriate about the new hunky boss with the giant cock!

- Giant cock? What the hell?...

"Yeah, I fucked his dick in the bathroom!" And I realized that in addition to being good looking, he is still well-endowed. And all his colleagues saying that he was irresistible, so polite, cultured, friendly and a lot of praise! Jealous of you for being able to stand by his side!

“Justin is all that, but he's gay! Even if I wanted to give it to him, he would! It was easier for him to hit on you than on me.

"Now that I'm getting it!" Why didn't you tell me?

'I thought you knew!' It is not obvious?

I still remember how stale Justin Taylor felt when I arrived at work after promising Steve I'd be nice.

I was ready to hate him, I already sensed that he would be like Erin, he would be bragging about how good he was, when in fact he was nothing more than an incompetent and on top of that he would spend his days humiliating me, saying that I was only good for serve you coffee.

Except Justin never asked me to get him a cup of coffee. In fact, I was surprised when he even got me a coffee, when he called me to our first meeting.

And that was just the first of my surprises.

Justin really was a nice guy. He told me that he was impressed with the work I had done, and that we could work in partnership from then on, so that not only could he teach me the work, but also so that I could guide him through the DBS issues that he was not yet aware.

I confess that at first I was suspicious. After all, I had a terrible time being morally harassed by Erin's witch. And I ended up telling him that. Justin had smiled and said that Erin probably felt threatened by my talent.

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