Chapter 62

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The next morning, I'm still floating on a cloud of happiness when I wake up, but I'm confused to see that Steve is no longer in bed.

— Steve? — I call him, but the apartment is silent.

I walk around the apartment and really Steve is nowhere to be found.

I take out my cell phone, ready to find my missing husband. Steve answers after a few rings.

- Hi, Natasha.

— Where have you been?

“I'm at DBS.

- So early?

“It's not too soon. I let you sleep some more. How are you feeling?

— I'm fine, you know I didn't even have those nausea that everyone talks about.
I just threw up yesterday I think it was nervous! But you should have woken me up so I could go with you! I was without a ride!

- No, Justin will be there in half an hour to pick you up.

"Justin?" Seriously?

— Yes, seriously. Now go get dressed, I need to get back to work.

He hangs up and I'm still standing there with my cell phone in my hand, a little stunned.

Yesterday Steve was dying of jealousy of Justin and now he was asking him to come get me?

Well, now he knows that Justin is gay. And I think that after yesterday I finally understood that that crazy Natasha who jumped from one relationship to another, didn't exist anymore.

Now I just loved a workaholic CEO.

Sigh, happy.

Yes, yesterday had been amazing! Thank God Steve's little problem was only temporary!

He showed service five times!

Yes, he could actually be a porn actor if he wanted to, I think amusedly.

- Hey, how are you? Justin asks as we're in the car on the way to work.

- I'm great!

— I was scared yesterday, it looked like a scene from a horror movie. - He laughs.

"If it was a horror movie I would have killed Erin with a sledgehammer!"
Wow, how angry to see that disgusting girl again! She did it on purpose! Erin is very angry with me for being fired from DBS. But it's not my fault she was terrible! Although yesterday she gave a good presentation, don't you think?

- Yes, she does.

'This is dope!' She did really well and I threw up on everyone!
Let's lose this deal!

“You did well too, don't worry. And things with Steve?

“We had a conversation yesterday and I've come to forgive him for thinking I would be able to betray him. How could he think I was going to fall in love with you when we just got married?

“Somehow I understood the distrust. He didn't know I was gay. Put yourself in his shoes, Natasha. Think if he had a new secretary
and that they were together up and down. After work, shopping, and Steve complimenting her all the time...

“I would be hysterical,” I confess.

Justin laughs parking the car.

“That's what I mean.

"But that wasn't the only problem!" Looks like Steve was feeling threatened by my track record!

We got out and walked to the elevators.

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