Chapter 56

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"I've never had so much fun in my life!" - Natasha can't stop laughing, the whole way home.

I'm still so pissed off and shocked that I can't even come up with a bigger reaction than swearing indignantly from time to time as I remember being overwhelmed by my secretary.

And on a plan devised by my wife!

What kind of bizarre parallel world had I entered?

When we get on the elevator she continues to laugh non-stop.

"It wasn't funny, Natasha!"

— Oh yes, there was! I needed to see her face when she recognized Wanda!

"I still can't believe you set this up for me!" With my secretary! How do you think I'm going to face her tomorrow, remembering that she wanted to stick a plug up my ass?

Natasha bursts into laughter again as we exit the elevator.

'Oh dear, I should have left it!

"If I had allowed shit like that I would have had to fire Wanda and get a divorce!"

I open the apartment door, still enraged.

“Oh, no need to be angry! Have a sense of humor! Didn't like it at all?

"You think I like getting beaten up by a masked goth freak who's my secretary on top of that?" This desk that, I confess, I have
a certain fear that you harbor violent ideas about me?

“I knew I was afraid of Wanda! I told her that!

- You spoke?

“Well, she commented once before we went on our honeymoon that she frequented these BDSM places, I didn't even pay much attention at the time.
Yesterday after I ran into the starched son of a bitch who arranged to usurp my place, I got really mad and went upstairs to her floor, but Wanda stopped me and said she was at a conference. Then I ended up confessing that I was furious with you. And she said that when she was mad at a boyfriend she let her sadistic side come out and then, boom! I had this wonderful idea!

'And she agreed?'

'Of course she didn't immediately agree. But I'm pretty persuasive when I want to, right? And I assured you that you would not know her identity.
That is, you don't have to fire her, Wanda thinks you don't know it was her there, dressed as a dominatrix.

“I'd recognize that cavernous voice anywhere. She's in my worst nightmares!

'Then stay calm!' It was just a joke.

- Bad joke!

“I had so much fun watching you tied up. I think I'll buy some handcuffs and a whip...

Before she can finish, I pull her close and throw her over my shoulders.

Revenge time!

“Hey, what are you doing?

I take her straight to our room and toss her on the bed.

"Do you think I'm some kind of submissive, dear wife?" She is very wrong. If you want to play, I prefer to dominate the scene.

I take off her dress and use it to tie her wrists to the bed.

"I hope you remember that I am a pregnant and fragile woman!"

"I should have thought of that sooner!"

I strip her naked and remove my clothes, turning her onto her back and giving her a loud smack on the ass.

She starts laughing again.

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