Chapter 22

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The day has been unpredictable at best.

First, I almost had a heart attack when Natasha showed up in my car, which was a pretty weird habit I must say. Aside from the initial shock and near myocardial infarction, it was a delightful surprise. I really thought it would take a little more work to convince her to come back to me.

I should have known Natasha would surprise me. And she even came back with the Sex Pistols record I've been looking for ages!

And this incredible sequence of events, culminating in the elevator interlude that sealed our engagement (really!), left me with the feeling that I really was a very lucky son of a bitch. Perhaps DBS shareholders would present me with an island or perhaps a title of Sir? Fuck, I was already going crazy like Nat, imagining random situations far removed from reality.

Who cared?

I was happy.

Happy as fuck.

The app presentation was a success (thanks to Natasha's sharp text). Man, I was really lucky because she was turning out to be smarter than I first assumed. Which somehow made me the most horny for her, if that was possible. And while I was answering questions from the press, I was already thinking of the thousand ways I was going to fuck her in my living room at lunchtime. Very discreetly, of course.

My plans went down the drain when Billy, the head of security, decided to bet all his chips on me as Miss Romanoff's supposed fiancé, and all because he certainly saw our bastard (albeit romantic) interaction in the elevator.

Holy shit!

There went the perfect day and all control of the situation.

And if there's one thing I hate, it's losing control.

So I took a deep breath and concentrated on cleaning up the mess before it turned into a catastrophe.

Convincing Billy that he would have a lot more to lose than me if he leaked those scenes he saw in the elevator wasn't difficult, although I did lie a little. Obviously I would be fucked. I was the CEO of
company. It required a certain kind of behavior from everyone below me. And, for that, he needed to be the example. And until Miss Romanoff came into my life, turning everything upside down, it wasn't hard to keep myself above suspicion.

Now I was threatening security chiefs with physical mobility issues like a damn mobster!

"Sir, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bet, but the money was good and sure," Billy defended himself as I walked into the security room demanding an explanation.

“Of course, you think I'm Miss Romanoff's fiancé after the elevator scene.

- Yes sir. I'm wrong?

- No, it's not. It's just a secret, Billy. And I count on your discretion. If that gets out, not only will you lose your job, Miss Romanoff will be harmed. Is it what you want?

'Of course not, sir. I like Miss Romanoff.

"Then can I count on your discretion?"

"Excuse the word, sir, if they wanted to be discreet, why were they kissing in the elevator?"

Fuck. He had a point.

There goes my idea of ​​getting Natasha cool in my living room. And in the bathroom. And maybe in the coffee room.

“You're right, Billy. It's not going to happen again. This is a place of work and therefore my relationship with Miss Romanoff must
be very discreet.

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