Chapter 65

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“Steve, it's finally here! I run to hug him as he enters the hospital, followed by Sean, who passes us by, eager to see Florence and him.

“Sean is devastated that he didn't make it in time. But no one expected Florence to have the baby ahead of time...

“Yes Steve, it was amazing! She was just there, like she wasn't even in pain, and it all happened so fast! It felt like the baby was going down a toboggan run!

"And you watched it all?" I thought they didn't...

"I figured it out!" — I blink. Better not tell my little lie. “Steve, it wasn't scary at all. I was scared for nothing. I'm sure I'll be like Florence and have my baby like a lady.

He smiled.

“I'm glad you stopped that fear.

"Let's see the baby!"

We head to the bedroom and Sean is holding the package that holds little Alexander.

“Congratulations, Florence.” Steve says to Florence that he's still looking a little pale, but very happy.

The baby had been born five hours ago and she would be free to leave in no time.

Kate Middleton is nothing compared to the women in my family!

'Do you want to hold him?' - Sean passes the baby to Steve's lap, who picks it up, still a little awkwardly. But damn, he looks good with a baby on his lap!

If I wasn't pregnant I would want to be pregnant with Steve right now!

“He's handsome,” Steve compliments.

“You were the best, Florence. I can't wait for my time too,” I comment excitedly.

“Sorry I scared you.

Little Alexander starts crying and Steve passes him to his mother.

— I was scared, but then everything was amazing!

— Natasha, let's go, you need to rest, today was a busy day.

We say goodbye to Sean and Florence and as we're leaving the hospital, the nurse who stopped me is walking by and stares at me with a frown.
accusing look.

I hold Steve's hand.

- Go fast!

- What's it?

"Nothing... It's just better that that nurse doesn't catch up to us."

— Natasha, what did you do this time?

— I had to make up that I was married to Florence to let me watch the birth!

"Has she gone crazy?"

"It was the only way!" Now run I think she's coming with security...

I quicken my pace as Steve curses behind me.

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