Chapter 102

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Penelope insists on wearing the new outfit and I oblige and I have to agree that she really is a cute little princess. But my mind is still stuck with the new secretary. Camila Margaret (Peggy) Parker. Son of a bitch prince lover name. Not that Steve is a prince. Though he is a motherfucker sometimes.

But what am I thinking? Peggy is not Steve's lover. Of course. Steve knows that if he betrays me, this will be the last act he will do in life, because I kill him with cruelty refinements. And of course I'm not jealous of that perfect little Disney princess secretary.

I'm not.

And that's not why I walk through the garden, with the hose on watering the flowers that are near Steve's office window some time later. Obviously I'm just taking the opportunity to take care of the garden. I'm not there to sneak up to the window and spy on what they're doing. I crouch down and peek out, Peggy is typing away on a tablet quickly with a fixed look on her face. And Steve walks across the room, dictating something to her. Um, is that all? What was I waiting for? That Peggy was dancing on the table in lingerie? I think I'm being silly and suspicious for nothing.

Then, before I can walk away, Steve comes up behind Peggy, just as he came up behind me in the room today, peering into what she's doing. Peggy gives a little start, putting her hand to her chest and turning around. Steve appears to be apologizing. Peggy shakes her head with what I assume is a "nothing" and runs her French-nailed fingers up Steve's arm in endorsement. And he smiles back at her. In that idiotic way that princes smile at virgin and good princesses in cartoons.

- Mommy! Penelope screams my name, and I startle, jumping to my feet, hose in hand as it comes through the open window and hits Steve and Peggy. They scream in fright at the unexpected attack that leaves them drenched.

— Oh fuck! “I divert the hose, but the damage is already done.

I stare at Steve and Peggy, dripping water. Peggy surprised and confused, and Steve furious.

"What the fuck is this, Natasha?"

- Oh I'm sorry! I was watering the plants, and Penelope screamed and startled me.

"Look what you've done!"

- I am really sorry...

Deep down I don't feel so sorry to see the perfect Peggy with the messy curls.

“Peggy, a thousand pardons for my wife. Natasha is kind of... - Steve sighs, as if he doesn't have the words to describe me.

“Anyway, it can't go on like this. I'll take you to dry off. There must be some of Natasha's clothes I can wear — And I watch them leave the office. I run to find them entering my room. Oops, what's that? Will Steve help the young lady out of her wet panties?

"Hey, I'll help Peggy, Steve!" I rush past him, shoving him in the process. I smile a smile that I hope is conciliatory. "Let me take it from here... darling." Even because you also need to change.

"Of course, I'm soaked!"

And without worrying that we're not alone, he rips off his sweater, baring his chest as Peggy's maiden eyes widen, her face flushing red as Steve reaches for his pants.

—Steve! — I draw your attention. "Do you think it's appropriate to be naked in front of your secretary?"

“Oh, I'm sorry, Peggy.

He laughs and walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. And I stare at the wet secretary. Ugh, bad analogy.

— Well, you need to take off those clothes, come with me to the closet.

The girl accompanies me and I borrow a summer dress to borrow. When I turn around, she's in her bra and panties and oh my gosh. She has a body worthy of a Playboy Bunny!

- Thanks. I smile shyly as I hand her the clothes, which she quickly puts on. "Sorry for this inconvenience...

“I have to apologize. I was... clumsy.

"Imagine, it's in your house." By the way, what a beautiful house. And thanks for the dress. I will return it to you as soon as possible.

"Peggy, ready to get back to work?" - Steve appears in the closet door, already changed clothes.

- Yes of course.

“The office is all wet.

— I dry it, I was the one who got it wet...

“Me and Peggy are going to go out and work at the cafe down the street. How are you, Peggy?

- Yes I'd love to!

The two go to the office where Steve picks up the notebook and they leave happy as two lovebirds on their first date.

“Mommy, come here,” Penelope yells again. I turn around and Penelope is tapping her little feet on the floor, irritated with my delay in answering her.

"What is it, dear?"

The little tyrant dressed as a princess pulls my hand.

- Came play with me.

Seriously, that's why she was screaming like the house was on fire?

"Mom was busy!"

“But I want to play,” she insists. "Let's play castle!" I'm the princess, Albert will be the prince. She points to the German spitz puppy sleeping quietly and doesn't seem too excited to play.

"And I'm going to be what?"

- You will be the witch!

My smile faded. Is this it now? Have I been relegated to the role of the witch of history?

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