Chapter 72

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'Tell us everything!' Hill demands and I smile, letting my gaze roam over the curious faces of my classmates.

Obviously my surprise appearance caused a little stir among my closest colleagues who now surround me eager to hear the news.

“Yeah, it's still amazing to think you're a mother! Alan comments and I remember he had a crush on me. It seems like it was in another life.

“Your daughter is so beautiful, Natasha. Rachel holds my cell phone as it passes from hand to hand, displaying pictures of my daughter.

“Yes, Penelope is the most beautiful baby in the world. I smile proudly. Because, oh, it's true!

"And were the first few days with a new baby very difficult?" - Phillip asks. "My sister had a baby a few months ago and almost went crazy...

- What? It was super easy... Penelope is an angel and I did very well, I was very prepared and calm with all the challenges...

I smile placidly, remembering those early days with Penelope.

"Why doesn't she stop screaming?" I whimpered in confusion, shaking Penelope from side to side.

It was her first night at home, and honestly, there must be something wrong with that child. Because ever since all our guests had left, after the welcoming party Steve had thrown at our new house, Penelope had burst into tears and couldn't stop.

Steve looked away from his cell phone very calmly.

“Children are like that.

'Are children like that?' I think not! She's been screaming for four hours!

“It's only been half an hour, Natasha!

— Well, it seems like days! I'm sure my hearing ability is seriously damaged. Tomorrow I start learning sign language!

— Stop being exaggerated, give it to me here. He got up from the nursing chair where he was sitting in his badass CEO posture very calm and rigid as I bounced around with our newborn daughter.
born around the room trying to make her stop crying.

Not that he didn't offer to help, but I was the mother and I should have been fully prepared for situations like this.

I was sure I would just put Penelope on my lap and she'd start laughing like those babies in a baby powder commercial.

And I would be mother of the year.

But things weren't going as well as I'd imagined.

Steve approached with his arms outstretched, and this time I let him take the little screamer.

Well, Steve really was a badass CEO and he could get whatever he wanted, including making a newborn baby stop crying.

But that's not what happened. Penelope continued to cry even louder now, leaving me terrified.

"Something's wrong with her, Steve!" Let's call an exorcist!

Steve stared at me, horrified.

- What?

"Yes, I've seen it in those horror movies!" Children are the most vulnerable to attacks by evil entities! I think I'll call Wanda...

"Let's not call Wanda!"

"But we have to do something!"

- Yes we have. He looked thoughtful. — Take the book.

I ran downstairs, grabbed the bookcase and ran back upstairs and showed Steve who stared at the book in my hand confused.

- The Bible?

"Aren't we going to do the exorcism?"

Steve rolled his eyes.

“I mentioned the baby book, the one I was reading earlier.
There must be some hint there!

“Oh yes, that book!

“Okay, here it says it could be hunger,” Steve says after handing the baby back to my lap.

— I tried to breastfeed, but she wouldn't!

- Try again.

I sat down on the armchair and opened my shirt, placing Penelope over my breast and this time she sought my nipple eagerly.

“Oh look Steve, she was really hungry! I breathed a sigh of relief when the shrill sound of a baby's cry was replaced by the comforting sound of Penelope suckling.

"See, we just need to learn a few tricks," Steve commented smugly.

I rested calmly on the armchair, stroking Penelope's hair, thinking that everything was finally going to be okay.

I was wrong!

“Steve, this kid wants to suck all the life out of me! I exclaimed, after waking up for the eighth time that night to feed.

Steve just laughed, walking into the baby's room, his hair disheveled and his eyes heavy with sleep.

“I think it's normal.

— Normal? If she continues to breastfeed like this, we'll have to buy a bigger crib, because she'll get so fat she won't fit in!

He laughed even harder.

- Really. And maybe I'll need new breasts too!

- Do not exaggerate...

"Because you're not the one with a voracious little being sucking your nipple all the time!"

“I'm sure it's just because it's her first night here.
Everything will get better, okay?

— Promise?

He kissed my hair.

- I'm sure yes. Look, I think she's had enough for now.

I looked at Penelope who had already let go of my breast, finally.

But I knew she wouldn't be sated for long.

“Leave her to me and go to sleep and get some rest.

"Why am I going to sleep if she's going to want to breastfeed again soon?"

- I call you, will rest.

Steve took the baby from my lap.

"And don't forget to burp her," I instructed and he shot me a smug look.

“I know very well. He lifted the baby into the air. "We understand each other very well, don't we, dear?" He smiled at Penelope who didn't look too excited.

And the next minute, we found out why when a jet of slug flew into Steve's eye.

- Fuck! He cursed making me laugh out loud. "It's not for laughing!"

"But it's funny, badass Daddy!" I walked over and gave her a diaper to clean her face, taking Penelope back. "You shouldn't have shaken the baby when she was finished, Steve!" Um, I think she needs a shower, she's all dirty!

And Steve and I stared at each other in complete horror.

- How will we do this? I muttered in fear.

“We'll figure it out,” he said boldly.

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