Chapter 2

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~Stella's POV~
The girls left about an hour and a half ago, and the 4 of us were now questioning if we let them do the right thing.
"We did make the right choice about letting them go right?" I asked.
"I.. think we did. They're technically adults now..." Casey said.
"I guess... man it's already 10 pm and they still have like an hour and a half to go, maybe we shouldn't have let them leave this late..." Kelly said.
"Come on Sev, they'll be fine... I hope." Gabby said.

~Brielle's POV~
We've been on the road for an hour and a half now. It's now 10pm and we were getting tired, especially after the long day we've had.
"Hey Ally, want me to take over for the next half?" I asked her. The music has been keeping us awake, but I could tell she was getting tired.
"Yea sure.." she said. She pulled over and we switched spots.
She had her phone with the GPS.

"Merge to the two right lanes and your gonna take the next exit." Alyssa told me.
I merged to the right lane and took the exit. After 45 mins, we were almost there.
"What now?" I asked Alyssa.
I didn't get an answer and noticed she was sleeping. I carefully took the phone out of her hand and put it on my lap so I could read the GPS.
"Ok, thanks god we only 15 mins left.." I whispered to myself.

I noticed the car was almost at E. I found a gas station and filled the car up with gas. After the car was filled up, I got back in the car and I was exhausted. Luckily, we only had 5 mins left. I pulled out of the gas station and got back on the freeway.

We finally got to the cabin. Alyssa was still sleeping. I honked the horn to wake her up.
She got startled.
"What was that for?" She said groggily and a bit annoyed.
"Sorry, but we're here, let's get inside." I said.

We went inside and all of a sudden, we both lost all feeling of being exhausted.
"I'm not even tired anymore, but man I'm starving." Alyssa said.
"Yea me too. What do we even have here? We haven't been here for a month." I said. We looked through the cabinets, trying to find food. All we had was snacks. Little packaged snacks like donuts, brownies, cookies and chips.

"Ooh I found some goods." Alyssa laughed and pulled out some alcohol and beers from the fridge.
"Really? Remember what happened 2 years ago when we went to Jared's party? We were only 16." I laughed.
"Yes but we're older now. Come on, let's live a little." She laughed.
"Girl we're 18!" I laughed.
"So? Come on! We're away from everyone else!" She said.
"You know what? Fine. I'll get some glasses." I said.

~Stella's POV~
It was now midnight and the girls should've gotten there now. The Casey's were still here, but I realized something
"We forgot about one thing..." I said.
"What?? What do you mean?" Kelly asked.

"There's a bottle of Vodka, whiskey, tequila, and a case of beer in the fridge in the cabin... Oh my god.. what if they drink it and have too much and Brielle's liver decides to act up again?" I said.
"Let's call them.. I'm sure they aren't doing anything, they're probably sleeping." Casey said.
"Why don't we call them? Just to make sure." Gabby said.

~Brielle's POV~
"Haha! No remember that huge test Ms. Kennel gave us and we all cheated and she had no idea!" I laughed. Alyssa and I each had 3 beers and were talking about our senior year.

"We should do the shots challenge! Ok so, I'll fill up 1 shot glass with some... tequila, and 3 with water. You turn around while I pour the glasses. Then I will turn around while you mix all the glasses up. Then we each pick 2 glasses and we have to make no reaction while taking a shot. Whoever gets the shot, loses." Alyssa said.
"Like shots roulette?" I asked.
"Yes exactly!" She said.

"Yea sure! Let's do that!" I got some shot glasses out. We each took 2 shots of tequila before we started the game. I started feeling a little dizzy.
"Hey you good?" Alyssa asked me, she grabbed my hand.
"Yea, just.. maybe we should slow it down.." I said, putting my hand on my head.
Then I got a FaceTime call from my mom.

"Ugh... it's my mom.." I said, showing Alyssa my phone.
"Answer it, they'll know something is up if we don't answer." She said.
"Turn on the TV. Quick!" I said.
We both ran to the living room and she turned on the TV.

"Hey mom.. Alyssa and I were just watching some TV, but we're really tired.. we might go to bed soon.." I yawned, pretending to be tired.
Luckily the living room was a separate room from the kitchen, so it didn't show any of the bottles or glasses in the kitchen.

~Stella's POV~
The 4 of us were on a FaceTime with Brielle and Alyssa.
The girls said they were watching TV and gonna go to bed soon.
"You guys got to the cabin alright? Was there traffic?" I asked Brielle.
"No not really any traffic... just the drive felt forever, we switched halfway through." She said.

"Alright, listen, we just realized and remembered that there are some bottles of alcohol in the fridge. Don't drink them, we'll know ok?" Kelly said.
"Yea Uncle Kelly we got it." Alyssa said.
"Alright mom, we love you guys, we're gonna go to bed now." Brielle said.
"Love you baby. Goodnight." I said. Then she hung up.

"Why don't I feel like they were telling the truth?" Gabby said.
"Yea... I kinda feel the same way.." I said.

~Brielle's POV~
"Alright, I think they bought it." I said after I hung up.
"Ready for that game?" Alyssa asked.
"Maybe not... I'm already feeling a bit dizzy. And what are we going to do about the beer? The vodka was already open and so was the whiskey, but won't they notice the beer since it was a full case? And we drank half of that case together." I said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they won't notice. And you're right.. I'm feeling a little off too. Let's just go to bed. Where should we sleep?" Alyssa asked.
"This couch turns into a queen size bed, let's get it open and I'll get some sheets from one of the bedrooms." I said.

I got the sheets and we took off our makeup, got some pajamas on, and went to bed.

-Next Day-
I woke up and looked at my phone. It was 7am. I was feeling a headache come on from last night and went to the kitchen and got some Advil. After I drank that I went back to sleep.

An hour later Alyssa and I both woke up. Luckily we dropped ourselves last night cuz we each only had a tiny headache.

"What should we do today?" She asked me.
"Why don't we go downtown? I know there's a go-kart racing place there. It's in the mall that's about 10 mins from here." I said.
"Yea sure! Let's go get ready!" She said.

We got ready and headed to the place.
We got set up in the karts and did one race. After that we decided to just walk around the mall.

We went into Aeropostale and looked at some clothes.
"Hey, you look really pretty. Can I get your number?" I heard a voice behind me.
I turned around and saw a young guy there.
"No thanks.. I'm not really looking to date right now.." I said.
"What about you little lady?" He asked Alyssa.
"Get lost." She said.
The guy looked annoyed and walked away.

"You know what I just realized. We've never had boyfriends." Alyssa laughed.
"Guess we were just never interested in dating. We did focus a lot on grades though." I said. Thought I actually did have one boyfriend, no one knew about it though. It didn't last for long anyway.

"Eh... they just don't interest me.. maybe I just haven't found anyone I really liked or took an interest too." Alyssa said.
"Tell me about it. You'd think that were now 18, we would be trying to date any guy we see, but personally, I think we should get through with the fire academy first." I said.
"Amen to that." Alyssa laughed.

Hey guys! I had an idea for chapter 2 and I decided to write it now. But I will not be writing again until January! Just wanted to give you guys a bit more since I felt like I gave a short chapter last chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you all in January! Happy New Years!


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