Chapter 93

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-Time Jump-
Brielle and Alyssa's kids:
-Skylar Dawson Severide: 17 years old; 11th grade
-Cameron Matthew Severide: 17 years old; 11th grade
-Maxx Kelly Severide: 13 years old; 8th grade
-Scarlett Stella Severide: 5 years old; Kindergarten

Addilynn and Lucas' kids:
-Elliot Everett: 13 years old; 8th grade
-Ellie Everett: 10 years old; 5th grade

Layla and Anthony's kids:
-Olivia Rose Jameson: 12 years old; 7th grade
-Amelia Iris Jameson: 9 years old; 4th grade

Jaxson and Kenzie's kids:
-Peyton Rae Severide: 12 years old; 7th grade
-Daniella Kate Severide: 8 years old; 3rd grade
-Griffin Ryder Severide: 8 years old; 3rd grade

*****there will be no more time jumps from here on, this will be the ages for the rest of the book*****

~Brielle's POV~
Alyssa and I were awake, getting ready for shift.
I was helping Scarlett get ready.
"Ok crazy, what are we doing this this insane hair?" I chuckled as I was brushing Scarlett's hair.
"Space buns!" She said.
I did the hairstyle she wanted.

I was downstairs, making breakfast.
"Hey Ma, I know this is last minute but can you please send me like 50$ on my card?" Skylar came in and asked me.
"For what?" I asked her.
"I need gas. Because I literally only have like 2 miles left." She told me.

"Ok, but didn't you and Cam go out yesterday? Why didn't you fill it up?" I asked her.
"We forgot to." She told me.

Then Cameron came in.
"Hey Sky, remember it's career day today, so we aren't doing school work today." He told his sister.
"Really? Thank god." Skylar said.

"I didn't know it was career day at your school." I told them.
"Yeah, every year, the seniors are in charge of it and they ask some people to come in. So maybe next year you and mom can come?" Skylar asked me.

"Yea sure, we'll have to see next year." I chuckled.
"I heard that that senior.. what's her name... Cassie, brought her sister who's one of those people who sees ghosts." Cameron said.
"That's creepy." Skylar chuckled.

"That seems kinda cool, you can talk to like dead relatives or something." I said.
"Would you try that? Try and talk to some dead relatives?" Cameron asked me.

"Well... maybe... You know I didn't have any blood family besides your aunts and uncles, and really just the firehouse growing up. So I don't really know my family outside of them." I said.

"Would you try and talk to any of them?" Skylar asked.
"Maybe my grandfather on my dad's side. My mom never talked about her family. So I'm not sure who else there honestly is... maybe some people from the firehouse my parents always talked about... like this paramedic who's name was Shay, and this firefighter who's name was Darden." I said.

Alyssa came down with Scarlett and Maxx as I just finished making breakfast. They all ate.
Sky and Cam drove to school, and we dropped off Maxx and Scarlett.

~Skylar's POV~
This career day has honestly been kinda boring.
"Wanna just leave? Just walk out? I'm pretty sure no one will notice." Cam whispered to me.
"We have one person left to see. School is over in an hour." I told him.

We walked in the last room. It was some lady.
She saw Cameron and I and looked at us for about a minute as we walked to our seats. She kept looking at us, like she was studying something.

"Why does she keep staring at us?" I whispered to Cameron.
"I don't know, but if she keeps this up, I'm walking out." He told me.
Then the lady started.

"Hey everyone, my name's Danielle Hence. And my job, to put it simple, is that I can see ghosts." She introduced herself.
"This is that lady we were talking about at breakfast." Cam whispered to me. I nodded my head.

Some girl raised her hand.
"How long have you been able to see them?" She asked.
"Since I was about 5." She said.

"Can you see any ghosts in the room right now?" A boy asked her. Danielle kept looking at us.
"Um... no, I can't right now." She said, Cam and I looked at each other, we knew she was lying.
I raised my hand.

"Yes?" She asked me.
"Can you talk to them or only see them?" I asked.
"I can do both actually." She said.
I kept trying to think why she was looking at us.

She kept on talking for about 45 minutes. But she kept on looking at Cameron and I, then behind us. I kept looking behind us, we're sitting in the last row, so no one was behind us.
"Ok, so, your bell should ring in about 5 minutes? Any more questions?" The woman asked.

"I'm about to ask her why she keeps on staring." Cameron started to raise his hand, I kicked his foot.
"No, we'll ask her when everyone is leaving." I whispered.

Once the bell rang and everyone left, Cam and I went up to her.
"Hey um... we're just wondering, why did you keep looking at us?" I asked her.
"Are you guys brother and sister?" She asked us.
"Yea we're twins." Cameron said.
"Do you guys have an older sister? Or had one?" She asked.

Cam and I looked at each other confused.
"Um... no.. we're the oldest ones. We have a younger brother and sister though." I said.

"Well.. when you guys walked in, I could see a young girl woman, she looked a year or two older than you two. She was by you guys, standing by you guys the whole time. She stayed around until about 20 minutes ago, then she left." She told us.

"Well, we don't have any older siblings, and how do you even know if she was related to us?" Cam asked.
"What's your guys names?" She asked us.

"I'm Skylar Severide." I said.
"I'm Cameron Severide." Cam said.
"Well, she told me her name is Kayla Stella Severide. And she told me she's your older sister." She told us.

"Our moms would've told us this. We're the oldest ones. I don't know what you're even talking about." I asked.
"Maybe you two should ask your parents then. But that's the information I got." She told us.
"How did she die?" Cameron asked.
"She didn't tell me." The woman said.

Cameron and I left. We were so confused.
We picked up Scarlett and Maxx.
"That woman has to be playing with us. We don't have any other siblings, let alone an older one." I whispered to Cameron.
"Yea... but, why don't we head by the firehouse and see? We'll ask mom and Ma about it..." I asked.
"Ok, sure." He told me.

"Hey, you guys wanna go to the firehouse for a bit?" I asked Maxx and Scarlett in the back.
"Yea sure." Maxx said.
"Yea!" Scarlett said.

-Brielle's POV~
It's been a busy day for us. We all just got back from a long call that took us over 3 hours. It was a really bad car accident.

We were all just in the common room.
"Hey 51." We heard someone say. We saw Cameron, Skylar, Maxx, and Scarlett come in.
"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Alyssa asked them.

"Cam and I wanted to ask you two a question." Skylar said.
Alyssa, Skylar, Cameron, and I went to the briefing room.
"So what's up?" I asked them.
"Who's Kayla?" Skylar asked me.

I looked at them confused.
"Who?" I asked.
"There was that lady there who sees and talks to ghosts. She kept staring at Sky and I the whole time. At the end, Sky and I went up to her and asked her what her deal was. She said some woman, who looked a year or two older than us was lingering around us." Cameron explained.

"Yea, and she kept asking if we had any older siblings or something.. it was weird." Skylar said.
"What was her name again?" Alyssa asked them.
"Kayla Stella Severide.. is she an aunt that passed...? Who was she?" Skylar asked. It took me a second to figure out.

I looked at Alyssa. She's the baby we lost 18 years ago.
"Um... that... was your older sibling..." Alyssa said.
The twins looked so confused.
"What..?..What do you mean?" Cameron asked.

"We had a miscarriage before we got pregnant with you guys.... And we had some names picked out for the baby if it was gonna be a boy or a girl... and I guess the baby was a girl... and she grew up in heaven..." I said.

The twins were shocked and confused.
"Um... ok... what was the name you were gonna sue if she was a boy?" Cameron asked.
"Your name." Alyssa said.
"Really?" Cameron asked. I nodded my head.

The kids went home after about 20 minutes. We continued on with shift.


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