Chapter 82

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~Brielle's POV~
Maxx is here. He's so small and perfect.
Alyssa looked at me with tears in her eyes and kissed me.
"You did it baby." She smiled at me.
I looked down at Maxx on my chest as he was crying. The nurses took him to clean him up and to check him.

Natalie was in the room.
"Congrats you guys. Do you guys need anything?" She asked us.
"Pain medication, please." I laughed.
"Coming right up." Natalie laughed.

I got the pain medicine.
I looked at Alyssa and smiled.
"He's finally here..." I smiled.
"Yea.. he is..." she smiled and gave me a kiss.

After about 5 minutes, I felt super tired.
"I'm so tired now..." I yawned.
"It's ok my love... sleep." Alyssa gave me a kiss.
She stroked my hair and I fell asleep.

~Alyssa's POV~
I saw Brielle fall asleep. Her labor was only about 4 hours. She was so tired and in some pain now.
I stroked her hair and gave her a kiss.

Then Natalie came in.
"Here's your little baby boy." She whispered, smiled and handed Maxx to me.
I smiled and held my little boy.
"Congrats on your little one." Natalie smiled.
"Thanks." I smiled.

"When did she fall asleep?" Natalie asked, checking her vitals.
"Like... 10 mins ago. Do, we need to wake her up?" I asked.
"No, it's understandable why she's tired. I'll come back in about an hour." She told me. And left.

I sat down on the chair next to Brielle's bed and held Maxx.
"Hi... hi Maxx... your siblings will be so excited to see you..." I smiled.
He was awake, he looked at me and smiled.
I smiled and teared up as I was holding him.
"I'm so happy you're ok and healthy..." I whispered and had some tears fall. I held him close and chuckled under my breath.

~Brielle's POV~
I started to wake up and fluttered my eyes open to the most beautiful sight. Alyssa holding Maxx.
"Hi baby.." I whispered.
Alyssa looked at me and smiled.
"He's here." She smiled and showed me him.

I carefully sat up and she handed him to me.
"Hi honey..." I teared up when I held him.
"Look.. he has your blue eyes.." Alyssa pointed out to me.
"He's so adorable..." I chuckled.

Alyssa and I admired him.
"How long was I asleep for?" I asked her.
"About... an hour." she told me.

Then Natalie came in.
"Hey, you're awake." She smiled when she walked in.
"Yea, I am." I laughed.
"Wanna try breastfeeding this little one?" She asked me.

I tried breastfeeding him and he latched right now.
"The firehouse is still in the waiting room, so you want them to come in? Or would you like to go see them?" Natalie asked.
"We want them to meet him, and they can finally know the gender. We kept calling him baby M." Alyssa chuckled.

We got a wheelchair for me and we got wheeled out into the waiting room.
"Hey you guys." I smiled when they saw us.
"Oh my god... so cute." My mom smiled.

"Congrats you guys." Herrmann said.
"Can we know the gender of M now?" Gallo laughed.
"What do you guys think? Maxx or MaKayla?" Alyssa asked them.

Most of them said MaKayla, some said Maxx.
"This little one is Maxx Severide.." I smiled.
They all admired him.

After about 5 minutes, they all had to go back to shift.
We went back to our room and FaceTimed our siblings. It was almost midnight.
We knew Oakley, Madison, and Mason would be awake, because they always stay up late.

We FaceTimed Oakley.
"Hey, what's up Bri?" She asked.
"Can you bring Madison and Mason over?" Alyssa asked her. Alyssa had the phone.
"We're here!" I heard Mason yell. Oakley showed Madison and Mason with her in their dorm.

Alyssa flipped over the Camera and showed me with Maxx.
"Oh my god! When was this?!" Madison yelled out.
"Like... 5/6 hours ago." I laughed.
"Is it a girl?" Mason asked.

"Meet your new nephew, Maxx." I smiled.
"I knew it was a boy!" Oakley laughed. Madison and Mason both thought it was gonna be a girl.
"When can we see him?" Mason asked.

"I think the next time you guys will be back in Chicago will be Christmas right? So then." Alyssa laughed.
"I can't wait!" Madison said.

After we hung up with them, we knew that the rest of our siblings wouldn't be awake right now.
Alyssa and I were awake still, admiring our new baby.
But we were both getting tired.
Alyssa laid Maxx down in the little crib. Natalie came in to check on us.

"Ok Brielle, everything looks good with him, how are you feeling?" She asked me.
"My body feels very different then when I had the c-section." I laughed.
"Well, congrats on your new little edition. And on a healthy delivery." Natalie smiled.

-next morning-
I was awake at 8am, looking at Maxx in his little crib. Alyssa was still sleeping on the couch. I ended up falling asleep before her.
My body was sore and in pain from giving birth, but I just laid down, admiring our little bundle of Joy.

At around 8:30, Alyssa woke up.
"Hey my love..." she yawned and got up and gave me a kiss.
"Hey baby.." I smiled and kissed her back.
"How you feeling?" She asked me.
"Out of it.. but I'm so happy he's here.." I smiled.

Just a bit after noon, Jaxson and Kenzie came over with Skylar and Cameron, they're so excited to meet Maxx.
"Knock knock." Jaxson laughed as they came in.
"Hey." I chuckled.

"Mama! Mommy!" Skylar and Cameron came running in.
"Hey my loves." Alyssa laughed and hugged them.
I gave them each a kiss.

"Where's the baby?" Skylar asked me.
"Look he's over here princess." Alyssa smiled, pointing to Maxx in his little crib.
"It's a boy." Jaxson smiled, looking at his nephew.

"Told you.." Kenzie whispered to him and laughed.
"Can I hold him?" Jaxson asked.
"Yea of course." I smiled. He picked up his nephew.

"Mama can I hold him?" Skylar asked me.
"Me too!" Cameron called out.
Alyssa picked them both up and put them on the bed.
They each got a turn, and they were so gentle with him. It was adorable.

Skylar gave him a little kiss on the head.
"You guys love your new little brother?" I chuckled.
They nodded, and wouldn't take their eyes off him.
It melted our hearts.


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