Chapter 19

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~Brielle's POV~
After 2 minutes of crying in the car, I drove home.
I cried the whole way home. I could feel the mascara dripping down my face. And just couldn't believe how that girl talked.

I parked in the garage. I looked at myself in the little car mirror and my face was just a mess. It was red and my eyes were puffy from crying, mascara was dripping down my face. I found some napkins in my car and cleaned my face the best I could. Then I went inside.
As soon as I opened the door, I could hear Alyssa coming over.

"Hey, you're home early. How was the date?" She asked. Then she saw me.
"I don't wanna talk about it..." I said, going upstairs.
"Bri what happened?" She asked, grabbing my hand.

"Alyssa let go of me..." I said. She let go and I went up to my room.
Once I got in my room I threw my phone on the bed and threw my purse on the floor. I saw I photo I had on my nightstand. It was a photo from when I was about 2. It was my parents and I at my dad's cabin. I looked at the floor and sat on my bed and cried.

Then I decided.
I wanted to get the truth about everything. How did Aunt Chili die? How did Aunt Shay? How did Benny? How did Darden? What was my dad's past like and will it come back to get me when I'm in the CFD? Why does Grissom hate my family so much?
I called my my mom and no answer. They were on shift, so I'm guessing she's out on a call. But I needed some answers. My mind is spinning.

I heard a knock at my door.
"Come in." I said.
"Hey... Bri what happened?" Alyssa asked me. She sat down next to me and saw the picture I was holding.

"That's a cute photo. Man you look so much like mom in this. Now I feel like you look just like your dad. But with your mom's hair." She laughed. I looked down at the photo and laughed.
"Yea.. guess I changed..." I said.
"Bri.. what happened on your date?" Alyssa asked me.

She took the picture out of my hands and made me look at her.
"She's Grissom's daughter." I said.
"Who's Grissom?" Alyssa asked.
"Chief Grissom... you know.. the head chief of the whole CFD.." I said.

"Oh my god.. how did we not realize? Her last name..." She said.
"The date was going great... we were just talking. She asked me some questions and I answered them. Then she told me about that big fire that her dad, Chief Boden, Mills' dad, and Benny was in. You know the one where Mills' father died in?" I said.

"Ok yea.. what about it?" She asked.
"Once she mentioned Benny's name.. she just kept talking so much bad stuff about him and my father. Then she started talking stuff about Aunt Chili.. and then Aunt Shay... and that guy Darden..and then she talked some stuff about how in the CFD, everyone hears the name Severide and they know exactly who you're talking about... My dad told me once or twice that Benny and him both screwed up a couple times. And I've been told by my father that Benny was a screw up. And he told me that he's screwed up a couple times himself. What happened in the past between Benny, my dad, and the CFD? Will it come and get me when I'm in the CFD? Will I be like Benny or my father?" I looked at Alyssa and cried.

Alyssa pulled me in and hugged me.
"Listen to me... that girl doesn't know anything. She's heard stupid rumors from her father who we know has caused problems before.. it's ok.. do you wanna hang out together and get your mind off this?" She asked.

"No.. I wanna get some answers..." I said.
"What do you mean? Bri it's almost 11pm." She asked me.
"Let's take a trip down to the fire academy. They don't close until midnight." I said. Grabbing my jacket and purse.

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