Chapter 66

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~Brielle's POV~
-one week later; Brielle is now 9 weeks-
Alyssa and I had to get ready for shift, and get Sky and Cam ready for daycare.
I was the first one up because I had to shower and I also couldn't sleep last night.

I showered and got my shift bag and clothes ready. Then Alyssa's alarm went off.
"Hey my love, when did you wake up?" Alyssa asked me.
"Like.. 5 am I think." I said, yawning.

"Why did you wake up so early?" She asked me.
"I didn't really sleep, and then at 5 I was like 'ok I guess I'll just wake up now.' I don't know... just couldn't really sleep.. but I'm so tired..." I said.
"Why don't you drink some coffee?" She asked me.

I try to avoid drinking coffee while pregnant. It makes my heart rate go up and it makes me anxious. And I don't need that when my pregnancies are already high risk.

"No. I don't want to get more anxious than I usually am... it's ok, I'm sure I'll wake more up later." I said.

"You sure? Ok. I'm gonna get ready, can you get Sky and Cam up and dressed? I'll make them breakfast." She said.
"Yea of course." I said.

I woke up Skylar and Cameron and got them dressed. I did their hair and brought them downstairs.
"Look Mommy made breakfast, can you guys please eat?" I asked them as I set them down at the kitchen island.
"I made you guys waffles, can you please eat?" Alyssa asked them.

We cut up their food and gave it to them.
"My love, here." Alyssa gave me a wipe to clean where I wanted the injections.

I cleaned a little section on my arm and she did the injections.
"Still have 31 more weeks of these..." I sighed.
"Remember what it's for.." she smiled and put her hand on my stomach.

"Yea I guess." I said, getting the pill bottle and some syringes to put it in my shift bag. I usually have to take the pill during shift after I try to eat some breakfast.
No one knows about the pregnancy. Our parents have been a bit suspicious why I've been so careful, but we told them that we wanted to put a pause on trying again for a bit.

"Mama all done." Skylar said.
"Me too." Cameron said.
"Ok, let's go brush teeth." I said, getting them down from the kitchen island.
"I'm gonna finish getting ready." Alyssa said.

I got Skylar and Cameron completely ready.
We all were now ready and drove the kids to daycare.
"Love you guys! Addie and Layla will pick you guys up later and we'll see you tomorrow!" We told the kids as we dropped them off.

We drove to shift.
I fell asleep on the way there.
"Babe.. wake up, we have to get to shift." Alyssa rubbed my shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes, then I heard someone knock on the window and it startled me.
"Wake up sleepyhead, time for shift." I saw Ritter and Gallo joking around.
"I'm gonna throw a haligan at their heads.." I groaned as I woke up.

"Come on, I'll let you sleep in the ambo gurney for like 15 minutes." Alyssa laughed.
We got out of the car and went inside. We went to the locker room.

"You finally got out of the car." Gallo came over and joked around.
"Shut up, I'm really tempted to throw a haligan at your head." I laughed.

"Well, it did take me 10 minutes to wake you up." Alyssa laughed.
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"Did you not sleep or something?" My mom asked.

I kinda just didn't know what to say at first.
"No not really." I said.
"Briefing time everyone." Uncle Matt came into the locker room.

We went to Briefing.
"Ok everyone, not really anything to say. Just save some lives." Uncle Matt said. He looked at me and looked a little confused and concerned.

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