Chapter 26

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~Brielle's POV~
It winter break for our siblings. We all decided to take some furlough and all go to my dad's cabin for the week.

I woke up to my alarm ringing at 5:30 am because we all decided to be on the road at 8am to hopefully get there by 10am. Alyssa and I live about 30-45 minutes father from the cabin than her parents or mine. So we are allowed to get there a bit later.

"Babe.. wake up..." I shut off my alarm and rolled over to wake Alyssa up. We both moved into my room since it's the bigger room and hers is now just a storage room for now until we can figure out what to do with it.

"It's too early..." she said, pulling the blanket over her head.
"Come on.. we live farther away from the cabin than either of our families." I said.
"Ok.. fine." She said.
We both got up and got ready.
"Our suitcase is packed in the car right?" Alyssa asked me.
"Yes I did that last night before we went to bed." I said.

We finally both got ready and on the road.
"Are we meeting them for breakfast or just supposed to meet them at the cabin?" Alyssa asked me.
"We're gonna meet them there. What do you want for breakfast?" I asked.
"I have no clue... I'm just so tired..." Alyssa said.

"Coffee it is." I laughed. I drove to a Starbucks and we got breakfast. Now we were on our way.

We were just listening to some music. I was driving.
Then I got a call from my mom.

Brielle: hey mom, I have you on speaker.
Stella: hey, are you guys almost here?
Brielle: yea 30 mins away, when did you guys get there?
Stella: Gabby and I got here about an hour ago. Your siblings are begging to go skiing so we might just go. Can you guys meet up with us at the mountains?
Brielle: yea sure.

Once I hung up the phone.
Alyssa and I were talking.
"Hey I forgot to tell you something.." Alyssa told me.
"What?" I asked.
"Happy Valentines Day." She smiled at me.
I smiled back at her and made sure the road was clear.
"Happy Valentine's Day my love." I said and gave her a kiss.

It was our first Valentine's Day together. We couldn't be more happier.
We finally got to the cabin.
"Alright, let's get changed into our ski clothes." I said.
"Where are we sleeping tonight anyway?" Alyssa asked.
"I have no idea. We might sleep here on the couch, or in the room with our sisters and our brothers stay out here." I said.

"Babe, I got you a small gift." Alyssa smiled at me.
She pulled out a bag and gave it to me.
"What is this?" I asked, smiling.
"Open it.." she said.

I opened the bag and I saw a book. I pulled it out and she made a whole memories book with a bunch of photos of us. From when we were younger to now.
"Oh my god baby I love this!" I said, tearing up.
"And if you notice, half of the book is still empty, so we can still add to it." She said.

"I love it." I smiled, and gave her a kiss.
"I'm glad you do." She told me.
"I have a gift for you, but you'll have to wait a bit for it." I said.
"Oooo can't wait." She laughed.

It was now 1pm.
We were getting our ski clothes on.
"Don't forget, we have to get back here by 4pm because we have dinner reservations at 6pm." I said.
We all decided to have a big Valentine's Day dinner at a restaurant downtown with all 14 of us.
My mom had to book this reservation last week because we know it would be hard to get a reservation on Valentine's Day.

We drove to the mountains, and found our families at the bottom of the mountain.
"Hey you guys!" I said.
"Hey!" All our siblings ran up to us. We haven't seen them in months since they have school. And we have shift.

They do know that Alyssa and I are dating and they love it and really want us to get married that way they would all technically be siblings.
My mom came up to me.
"Hey, you ready for tonight?" She whispered to me.
"Yea." I smiled. I couldn't wait for tonight.

"Hey, come here let's take some photos." Alyssa grabbed my waist and pulled me over.
Aunt Gabby had Alyssa's phone and we took some photos.
We took off our skiing masks to have a little kiss.
"You girls are adorable." Aunt Gabby laughed.
We took a couple photos before going up the mountain.

We went down the mountain a bunch of times before going back to the cabin at 3:30 to get ready for our dinner reservations.

It was 14 of us trying to get ready in a cabin.
We somehow all got ready in time.
I went into my parents room to talk to them.
"Hey, are you excited?" My dad smiled at me.
"Yea. I can't wait." I smiled.

"If you people want to make it to the restaurant in time, we have to leave now!" We heard Aunt Gabby yell.
"You have it?" My mom asked.
"Yup." I smiled.

We all went to the restaurant.
"Hello, I have reservations for 6pm?" My mom said once we walked in.
"Name?" The host asked.
"Stella." My mom said.
"Party of 14?" The host asked.
"Yes." My mom said.
"Ok you can follow me." The host said.

We went to a table.
"Alright everyone happy Valentine's Day! How is everyone doing and who are the lovely couples at tonight's table?" The waiter came over.
"We're married." My parents said.
"We're married." Aunt Gabby and Uncle Matt said.
"And we're dating." Alyssa and I said.

"Well I hope you all have a great and romantic Valentine's Day! Can I get you started on some drinks? Appetizers?" The waiter asked.

We ordered and then we all talked.
"Are you guys ever gonna get married?" Madison asked Alyssa and I.
"Married? We haven't even been dating for a year." I laughed.
"Well, do you guys want kids in the future?" Jaxson asked us.
"Guys, we just started our jobs.. I think we'll probably wait until after we're married." Alyssa laughed.

Our food came and after we ate, we left the restaurant.
It was now 8:30pm.
"Hey, let's go for a little nighttime walk. All of us." Aunt Gabby said.

We were walking around the mountain on this trail. It wasn't a dirt trail. The whole trail was lined with wood planks.
We got to this part of the mountain where there was a bridge. And on the bridge, you can see the moon and all the stars in the sky.

The first date Alyssa and I went on was a nighttime picnic. We stayed out until almost 1am because we were just laying down together, enjoying the moonlight and stars. Now anytime we see the moon and stars, we always think of that night.

"Happy Valentine's Day my love." I whispered to Alyssa and gave her a kiss.
"Happy Valentine's Day." She smiled and kissed me back.

I looked at my mom. She smiled at me and nodded.
"Hey.. I think it's time to give you your Valentine's Day gift.." I smiled at Alyssa.
Alyssa smiled at me.
"Ok baby.." she said.

I looked at her and took her hands.
"Alyssa Blaze Casey.. I love you more than anything in this entire world. You have been there with me through it all. We've grown up together.. shared our secrets.. we've been inseparable since birth... you becoming my girlfriend was the greatest thing that ever happened to me..." I said.

Then I got something out of my purse and got down on one knee.
Alyssa stood there with tears running down her face.
"Alyssa Blaze Casey.. will you marry me?" I finally said.


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