Chapter 50

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~Alyssa's POV~
Once we heard the bells we ran to the vehicles.
"Oh my god..." I said and started to tear up and Violet drove.
"Hey, listen it's ok, she'll be fine. She probably didn't even get injured." Violet told me.

We got to the scene.
It was a two car accident. I saw Brielle's car and another car. Somehow Brielle's car only had a small scratch in the front. Before I could go see Brielle's car, a guy from the other one came out.
"That maniac fell asleep at the wheel! She was driving next to me then all of a sudden she just hit me!" The guy said.

"Alright sir, go to that other ambo, they'll make sure you aren't injured." Violet said.
I went over to Brielle's car. She was unconscious, but then she started to wake up.

"I'm right here my love." I grabbed her hand.
"Baby..?" She said. She looked at me, then coughed.
"It's ok.. we'll get you out." I said.
We got her out of the car and got her on the gurney.
She grabbed my hand.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep, I was just so tired..." she whispered, tears streaming down her face.
"Listen it's ok." I said.
We got her on the monitors and her heart rate was double than what it should be, and she's pregnant.

"Are you hurt?" I asked her.
She nodded her head with the tears still streaming down. Then all of a sudden her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out.

I felt her pulse and couldn't feel one there.
"She isn't breathing. Let's intubate her." I said.
We got her in the ambo, Aunt Stella went with me in the back.
We got her intubated, but the tube wouldn't go in.
"Come on babe. Work this us!" I said.
Then she started seizing.

All her vitals started dropping.
"Come on! Dammit baby come on!" I yelled.
She wouldn't stop, I was holding her head down, trying to intubate her.
"Come Bri not like this!" I yelled.

We got to Med, she was still seizing.
"22 year old Brielle Severide, Car Accident, 32 weeks pregnant, couldn't stop the seizing in the ambo." I said.
"Trauma 2 Dr, Manning, Dr. Rhodes." Maggie said.
We got her in the room.

They stopped her seizure.
"Let's check the fetuses." Natalie said. She got an ultrasound.
"Both fetuses look ok." She said
Then all of a sudden Brielle's vital plummeted again.
"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We're not sure..." Dr. Rhodes said.
Then blood started coming up Brielle's tube.
"She's bleeding somewhere in her airway... let's get her up to the OR, prepare for a cesarean! We have to deliver these babies!" Natalie said.
"But she's only 32 weeks." I said.

They rushed her up to surgery.
We were all in the waiting room.
"They're gonna end up in the NICU... oh my god what if Bri doesn't make it? I can't do this without her.." I started to freak out.

"Honey listen, they'll be ok... they'll all be ok..." my mom hugged me.
"I wanna see the surgery." I said.
"Honey you can't-" my mom started to say, but I went.

I opened the door to the OR. I was in the little room where you can observe.
"Um... Dr. Manning?" I asked, into the little intercom.
"Alyssa who let you in here? You can't be in here." She told me.
"Just... how she is? How are the babies?" I asked.
"Getting her prepped now, babies heartbeats aren't doing so good.." She told me.

"Alyssa you cannot be in here." Goodwin came in and took me out of the room.
"Please! I want to see my son and daughter be born, please!" I begged.
They did the cesarean, both of the babies came out. They both looked so small.

Two nurses rushed them out to the NICU.
"Go be with your babies, I'll be with Brielle." Goodwin told me.
I followed the nurses, we passed everyone in the waiting room, I told my parents and Bri's to follow me.

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