Chapter 13

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~Brielle's POV~
The next day I woke up to my mom coming in my room.
"Hey, we're leaving for shift now. Love you." She told me.
"Love you mom." I said.

I got up after 15 mins to Oakley coming in my room.
"Hi Bri!" She jumped in my bed.
"Hey Oak, what you doing?" I smiled, as she laid next to me.
"Nothing I'm just bored.. can I help you pack?" She asked.

"Yea sure, just let me use the bathroom ok? Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I asked her.
"No Addie isn't awake yet." She told me.
"Ok, let me use the bathroom. And then we'll go downstairs and get some breakfast made ok?" I said.

"Do you need help going to the bathroom?" She asked, getting and running to my side of the bed.
"No I'm ok Oak." I smiled.

I used the bathroom and got my crutches and we went downstairs.
"Can you quietly go to your brothers' and sister's room and see if they are awake, if they aren't, don't wake them up." I told Oakley.

She went upstairs and then came back down.
"No one is awake." She said.
I made some coffee for myself. And ate a quick little granola bar so I could take my meds before I forget.

"Ok, what do you want?" I asked her.
"I don't know, what do we have?" She asked.
"I can make.. sandwiches, eggs, sausages, waffles, bacon-" I started to say, then she cut me off.
"Waffles and bacon!" She said.

"Ok let's make it." I laughed.
I got a pan out and started to make the bacon.
After we finished making it, I put it off to the side, on a plate with paper towels on it.

"Oakley can you get me the waffle maker? I'll get the stuff to make the batter." I said. I put my crutches off to the side and went to the fridge. I leaned myself on the kitchen island to the fridge. I got the milk, eggs, butter, and the waffle mix box.

I got a bowl and poured in the mix.
"Can I put in the milk?" Oakley asked, excitedly. I was going to miss doing this with her.
"Sure here." I chuckled, I measured out the milk and gave her it to pour.

I plugged in the waffle maker and put some cooking spray on it.
I finished making the batter with Oakley, then we started making the waffles.

"It smells good down here." I heard someone walk down the stairs and then saw Addie appear in the kitchen.
"What are you doing? You know you shouldn't be walking around.. I could've done it." Addie told me.

"It's fine, Addie. I wanted to make some breakfast and I have to start packing all my stuff." I said.
"Yea but can you at least use your crutches? We don't need you getting hurt again." She told me.

"Addie I'm fine. I'm leaning on the island." I said.
"Well, I'm staying down here to make sure you don't get hurt." She said.

We finished the rest of the waffles.
"Oakley, can you please go get your brothers?" I asked.
"Ok!" She said, and ran upstairs.
"I'm really gonna miss you.." Addie told me as we plated breakfast.

"I'll only be like a 10 minute drive away." I said.
"Yea but... now I'm the oldest sister, they'll rely on me now. And I'm not as good as a big sister like you are and-" she said, but I stopped her. She was freaking out.

"Addie breathe... it's ok. You're a great big sister. You'll do things differently than I do, but they love you. You're still their big sister. You'll be the person that they lean on, the person who they come to if they can't get to mom and dad. I know it's a big responsibility, but I know you can handle it." I told her.

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