Chapter 86

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~Brielle's POV~
-Brielle is now 36 weeks pregnant-
-mid July-
We're having a sleepover at our house. All the kids are over at our house right now. And it's actually going well. All the kids wanted to hang out, and Alyssa and I thought it would be cool if they all came here for the weekend.

But we forget that that means that now we have two 11 year olds, two 7 year olds, two 6 year olds, a 4 year old, a 3 year old, and two 2 year olds. So that's 10 kids in our house. But none of the kids are crazy. We've all raised our kids to be pretty chill. They do get loud sometimes, but they soon realize and go back to being at an ok noise level. We don't mind the noise, but that's just how they all are.

This is how we have the sleeping situation planned out for tonight.
Skylar and Cameron are in Cameron's room.
Ellie, Amelia, Daniella, and Griffin are in Skylar's room.
And Maxx, Elliot, Olivia, and Peyton are in Maxx's room.

We have an air mattress in Cameron's room for Skylar. An air mattress in Skylar's room for Daniella and Griffin. And an air mattress in Maxx's room for Olivia and Peyton.

It was now 8pm.
"Alright, did you crazies pick a movie yet?" I asked as Alyssa and I came into the living room with like 5 bowls of popcorn.

"Cam and I want to watch a movie, but we know they won't be able to watch it." Skylar said.
"Well, what is it?" I asked her.
"The Nun." Cam chuckled.

"Yea definitely not, we don't need them all to have nightmares." Alyssa laughed.
Skylar and Cameron love watching scary movies together. That's like their thing, every weekend they watch one together.

"Can we watch Belle and Beast?" Peyton asked me. I knew she meant Beauty and the Beast.
"You guys good with beauty and the beast?" I asked all the kids.
"Ooh, can we watch the live action one? With Emma Watson?" Skylar asked.

"Didn't we start watching that on like the last day of school and we never finished it?" Cameron asked her.
"Yea. And we literally only got through the first like.. 30 minutes I think." She laughed.

We put on the movie.

The kids loved it.
When the movie was done, it was now 10pm. All the kids were super awake on a sugar rush.
"Oh boy.." Alyssa whispered to me and laughed.
"This is what happens when you give small children a ton of sugar." Skylar laughed.

Skylar and Cameron went to Cam's room to hang out, and the rest of the kids went to the playroom.
Alyssa and I were in our room, just relaxing and laying down together.

"Why did we decide to have this huge sleepover while I'm 9 months pregnant?" I laughed as we were laying down, listening to the chaos happening in our house. The kids are crazed up on sugar and super loud right now.
"Because it's summer time. And the kids wanted to hang out. And we have the biggest house, so we were kinda stuck with hosting it." Alyssa laughed.

"Yea... and I guess we won't be able to host another one for a while with a newborn." I laughed.
"Well.. she'll be here in a month or less." Alyssa chuckled.
"Mom, do you know what the Netflix login is?" Skylar came into our room.

"Should be my email, and then firehouse51 in all lowercase." Alyssa told her.
"Ok, Cam and I wanna watch a scary movie, but he isn't signed into Netflix on his TV." She told us.
"How are the kids?" I asked her.
"Being crazy in the playroom." She chuckled.

Skylar left our room.
"It's already almost 11pm. We should check on the kids." I told Alyssa.
We went up to the playroom.
The kids were playing with everything and running around, but we could see they were tired.

"You guys are being so crazy." I laughed as we saw them running around.
Daniella, Griffin, Ellie, and Amelia came up to us.
"I'm tired.." they yawned.
"Ok, come on, let's get you guys to bed." I chuckled.

We brought them into Skylar's room, and got them to sleep.
I went to Cam's room to check on the twins. The room was pitch black except for the TV. They both screamed when I came in.
"My god, Ma!" Skylar laughed when I turned on the light to show it was me.

"It's almost midnight you two, please go to bed before like 2am." I told them.
"Is everyone else asleep?" Cameron asked.
"No, Maxx, Elliot, Olivia, and Peyton are still awake upstairs. We got Danny, Griff, Ellie and Lia to sleep already." I told them.
"Ok, we'll go to bed soon." Skylar said.
"Thank you." I said, and left.

Alyssa and I just hung out in our room for a little.
We got all the kids to bed, including Sky and Cam at 1am.

Alyssa and I were now laying down together, about to go to bed.
"I'm excited for her to be here. Our last little baby..." I smiled up at Alyssa.
"Yea I can't wait my love..." She gave me a kiss.

We snuggled for a bit more before going to sleep.


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