Chapter 100

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~Brielle's POV~
I just finished making lunch.
"Guys lunch!" I called out. Everyone came but Skylar.
"Sky! Lunch is ready!" I called out. I didn't hear her call back or anything.

Alyssa looked at me a little confused.
"She's probably watching something." She told me.
"I'll go get her." I told Alyssa.

I went upstairs to her room.
"Sky, lunch is ready." I said. I waited for an answer and didn't get one.

I waited about a minute before I just opened the door. She wasn't in her room. I knocked on her bathroom door.
"Hey Sky?" I asked.

Her bathroom door was locked.
"Hey Sky? Skylar. Open the door please.." I said.
Something didn't feel right.

I kept on knocking, Alyssa came upstairs.
"Did she lock herself in the bathroom?" She asked me.
"I don't know..." I said.
"Skylar open the door!" Alyssa said.

I knew something didn't feel right, I mule kicked the door down and we saw Skylar lying on the bathroom floor and we saw 5 empty pill bottles on the counter.
"Oh my god! Sky! Sky!" I cried.

I ran over and felt her pulse.
"No pulse..." I said.
Alyssa grabbed all the bottles and looked at them.
"She took all her meds, all of Cameron's pain Meds and all his sleeping meds..." she told me.

I was doing compressions on Skylar now and mouth to mouth. Alyssa was on the phone with 911.
"Yes we need an ambulance at 9834 West Chester Ave Chicago, Illinois... my daughter...we cannot wait 10 minutes for an ambulance!... forget it, I'm a paramedic, I'll drive her myself to the hospital." She said, and hung up the phone.
I was still doing the compressions.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.
She carefully picked up Skylar and brought her to her car.
"Mom... what's wrong?" Maxx asked Alyssa.
"Just... stay here ok? I'm gonna call Addilynn and see if she can come... ok? Don't worry. Watch Scarlett." I told him.

Alyssa actually keeps a paramedic jumper bag in our house incace of anything. Basically like a huge first aid kit.
She got a oxygen mask and a bag to start bagging her.
"Let's get her laid down in the back. Can you drive?" She asked me.
I nodded my head.

I quickly got us to Med.
"We need some help!" I yelled as Alyssa carried Skylar inside.
"Rhodes, Halstead, Bay 4." Maggie said.
We quickly got her in the room and they got the monitors on her.

"What happened here?" Dr. Halstead asked as they were trying to resuscitate her.
"She tried to kill herself.. this is everything she took." I said, giving them all the bottles.

They gave her tons of medication, trying to reverse all the different meds she took.
"Shocking, clear!" They were shocking her.
I couldn't look anymore.
We just lost our oldest son, now our oldest daughter might be gone too.

I could hear each shock and every time her body would just thud back onto the table, hoping to hear her monitors start to steady, only to be more broken, having to hear that they had to keep delivering more and more shocks into her body, trying to get her back to life.

"Come on...." Dr. Rhodes was whispering. They wouldn't stop, they kept on trying to resuscitate her.
After 10 minutes. They finally got a steady rhythm.
"Ok, let's get her on full oxygen and we will check back in on her in about an hour, but we'll page Dr. Charles in here." Dr. Halstead told us.

Alyssa and I both nodded.
We were left with Skylar lying there on the bed.
"She misses her brother way too much... maybe we should just let her go... so she won't be in pain anymore.." I whispered.
Alyssa stared at our eldest daughter lying there, and then at me.

"We can't... you know we can't..." Alyssa's voice broke.
"She's not happy... she's in pain..." I told her, I didn't want to hear the words I was saying.

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