Chapter 33

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~Brielle's POV~
Natalie looked at me and smiled.
"Congrats you two. There's a baby." She smiled.
I started crying and Alyssa came over and kissed me.
"Oh my god yes!" Alyssa said.

"Congrats you two, you have one little baby on the way. Brielle, you're just over 8 weeks pregnant. Your due date should be around January 8th." Natalie told me.
"Oh my goodness! Finally!" I cried. Alyssa put her forehead on mine.

"You can stay on truck until you're about 15-16 weeks. I know you love truck, and I believe if you are careful, you can do it." Natalie told us.
"That's cool." I smiled.

"We're gonna become parents..." Alyssa whispered, she was tearing up as well.
"Yea we are.." I smiled.
"I'll print you guys some photos. You guys can probably find out the gender at around 20 weeks." Natalie told us.

We got the photos and left Med. We went to the car and Alyssa and I just both looked at each other.
"Is this actually real?" I laughed.
"It is baby... you're pregnant.. we're gonna have a little baby soon..." Alyssa put her hand on my stomach and smiled.
"I love you..." I kissed her.

"How should we tell our parents?" She asked.
"I don't know.. maybe don't tell them for a bit?" I suggested.
"Babe we have to... my dad's the captain of the firehouse and he'll need to fill out your paper work to switch over to ambo." She told me.
"Ohhh yea...." I said, totally forgetting about that.

"We could hold off telling them... for maybe 7 weeks.. when you're 15 weeks, we could tell them, and it gives my dad a week to do the paperwork." She told me.
"I like that idea." I smiled.

-4 weeks later-
Alyssa and I have shift today. I'm 12 weeks already and this pregnancy has been kicking me in the butt. We aren't telling anyone about the pregnancy though, so it's been a little hard hiding it, but not too hard. Especially since we can't get pregnant the natural way.

I was up for like half of the night just throwing up, so I was just asleep on the couch and woke up to Alyssa coming downstairs.
"Hey babe... did you get much sleep?" She asked me.
She gave me a kiss on my forehead to wake me up.
"Yea.. I got some..." I said, getting up.

We were getting ready for shift, then I noticed something.
"Babe.. look..." I said.
She turned around.
"What?" She asked.
"Look..." I smiled and showed her a little bump forming.
"That's our little baby." She smiled and put her hand on my stomach.

I was in the kitchen, waiting for Alyssa to finish getting ready in our room. Then all of a sudden I got nauseous and ran to the bathroom to throw up.
"Hey, are you ok?" I heard Alyssa running down the stairs.

"Yea just... enjoying being pregnant..." I said, leaning my head on the toilet seat.
"You wanna call out?" She asked me.
I shook my head.
"I've called out 3 times in the last 4 weeks already, which is equivalent to a whole week of shifts." I said.

I cleaned my face and Alyssa finished getting ready. I got my shift bag in the car and just waited in the car, I put the cold air on to hopefully stop this nausea.
"You ok? You should maybe stay home.." Alyssa told me once she got in the car.

"No it's fine... I can't keep staying home everytime I'm sick.. that's just how pregnancy is..." I said.
"Yes but since no one knows, it's so hard on you right now, trying to pretend you're fine. And you're still a candidate so you're doing chores all day." She told me.
"It's ok babe... it's only 3 days a week we're on shift anyway.." I said.

We got to shift.
After briefing, I was assigned to cook as squad, engine, and the rest of truck did drills. Violet and Alyssa were in the common room with me.
"Hey, what are you gonna make? You want some help?" Alyssa asked me.

"I don't know... everything sounds gross..." I whispered.
For the past 2 weeks, I haven't really eaten much food lately because everything makes me throw up. The only thing I've been eating is jell-o, crackers, cereal, certain fruits, and granola bars.

So cooking breakfast for the firehouse has been becoming a struggle.
"Here, look, just make some pancakes, I'll help you." Alyssa told me, handing me the box of mix.
We started to make everything.

"Hey Brielle, aren't you technically not a candidate anymore? You've been on the job for over 2 years already." Violet told me.
"Once I hit the 3 year mark is when I'm officially not a candidate anymore. And after that, Mills and I were discussing last shift about how we'll take turns making meals every shift once I'm an official firefighter." I said.

"Yea but, if you're moving to ambo in 3-4 weeks, would you still be considered a candidate?" Alyssa whispered to me.
"I think my candidate position will be put on pause. And then once I come back, I'll finish it." I whispered.
"Have you been calling back Vanmeeter?" She asked me.

"I called him back last night while you were in the shower and told him I'll be able to start the side job in OFI in about 4 weeks. I figured since I'll be taking it a little easy on ambo, I could work at OFI sometimes." I whispered.
"Ok yea, you just have to promise me to be careful." She told me.
"Don't worry I always try my best too." I smiled at her.

"Why is there always so much secrecy between you two? I don't think there has ever been so many secrets in the firehouse before with two started working here." Violet laughed.
"Just... talking about some stuff..." Alyssa laughed.
"Come on, I'm your PIC Alyssa." Violet said.

"Sorry Violet, I'm not saying anything." Alyssa laughed.
Then Violet looked at me. I also shook my head and laughed.
"I'll find out eventually." Violet laughed.

We finished making breakfast and called everyone in.
"Brielle, why aren't you eating?" My mom asked.
"I ate breakfast while getting ready for shift at the house today." I said.
She was a little confused, but shrugged it off.
Alyssa looked at at me cause she knows I didn't eat at home, I just felt too queasy too eat anything.

Truck 81 Ambo 61 person in distress 34 kelton Ave

We went to the vehicles.
We got to the call and it was a bicycle versus auto accident.
"Candidate, go check on the driver, Gallo get me a haligan to open this door." My mom ordered.
Ambo has the bicyclist.

I went over to the car and inspected it first. I saw some beer cans in the back, and some in the front seat.
"Hey sir, are you ok?" I asked, his window was about half way down.

He turned his head to look at me and I immediately was overcome with nausea. His car smelled extremely like beer and it was so obvious that he was drunk.
I covered my mouth and took a deep breath before I spoke.
"Lieutenant, this guy is wasted." I said.

They got the guy out and another ambo came for him. We had to clean up the debris from the accident and then went back to the firehouse.

My mom called me into her and my dad's office.
"Who am I talking to?" I asked her.
"Mom." She said.
"Ok, what's up mom?" I asked her.

"What's going on with you and Alyssa? Violet told me that you guys have been super secretive and you've called out of shift 3 times in the past 4 weeks." She told me.
"It's nothing mom... you don't have to worry about anything." I said.

She looked at me super unsure.
"You know you can tell me anything... is something going on between you and Alyssa?" She asked me.
"No. It's ok..." I said.

I heard ambo come back and I went to Alyssa.
"Hey, what's up?" She asked me, giving me a hug.
"Come here.." I said. We went to Chief's old office.
"What's wrong?" Alyssa asked me.
"I think my mom is getting a bit suspicious. I think she thinks that something is happening in our marriage." I said.

"Why is that such a problem? As long as she doesn't know about the pregnancy, it shouldn't be an issue. And we're always so affectionate with each other. Why would she even think that?" She asked me.

"Yes I guess you're right.. it's just getting a little difficult because I'm just feeling so.. blah all the time.." I said.
"I know.. it's ok.. don't worry.." she told me and hugged me.


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