Chapter 37

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~Alyssa's POV~
I ran out of the bathroom, all the vehicles were out except for ambo. I found Violet in the common room.
"Violet I need you!" I said.

"What's wrong?" She asked.
"It's Bri, something isn't right... she threw up blood as then all of a sudden just got stabbing pains." I said.
We ran to the bathroom.

~Brielle's POV~
I was crying, something was wrong. Am I having a miscarriage? What's wrong with my baby? I had my hand on my stomach, every stabbing pain was getting worse.

Then Alyssa and Violet ran in.
"Brielle what's wrong?" Violet asked me.
"It all hurts! Something wrong with the baby!" I cried.
"Let's get her to the ambo." Violet said.

They helped me get to the ambo and Alyssa was in the back with me as Violet drove.
"Don't worry baby..." Alyssa was holding my hand.
She looked at me and then her eyes widened.

"There's blood..." she said, her eyes forming with tears.
I looked down, there was blood.
I was crying even harder.
"The baby...we're loosing the baby." I cried.
"No we aren't... it's gonna all be ok..." She held my hand and squeezed it harder.

"Violet! She's bleeding!" Alyssa yelled.
"We're 5 minutes away!" Violet yelled back.

~Violet's POV~
I needed to alert the rest of the firehouse.
"All units of firehouse 51, this is Violet, is anyone there?" I asked into my radio.
"We're all finishing packing up Violet. What's up?" I heard Stella's voice.

"You guys have to come to Med.. something's wrong with Brielle." I said.
There was a pause before anyone spoke.
"We'll be right there." I heard Kelly.

~Alyssa's POV~
We finally got to Med. Brielle was in so much pain and confusion and panic.
"21 year old Brielle Severide 18 weeks pregnant, abdominal pain, bleeding, and threw up blood." I said when we wheeled her in.

"Dr. Manning, Halstead! Bay 2." Maggie said. They ran over and got her in the room.
"Brielle when did this all start?" Natalie asked her.
"20 mins ago... I'm loosing the baby aren't I?" Brielle cried and looked at me.

"Her belly's filled with fluid, we can't see the uterus.. let alone the baby.. let's get her to surgery!" Dr. Halstead yelled.
Brielle was loosing a lot of blood and beginning to pass out.
"Hey Brielle, stay with us ok? You're gonna be ok." Dr. Halstead told her.

"Alyssa..?" Brielle asked.
"Hey I'm right here baby..." I said, going over to her.
"We didn't even get to find out if it was a boy or girl..." Brielle cried.

"Hey hey look... I'm even not worried, everything will be fine... you and the baby both.." I smiled at her with tears in my eyes. I gave her a kiss and they took her up to surgery.

I grabbed Natalie's hand before she ran out.
"How could this have happened? She's so careful." I said.
"It could be loads of reasons, but right now, she has so much free blood in her belly that we can't even see the baby, so we need to drain that first." She explained.

"Yes but won't her being under put the baby at risk?" I asked.
"It's a possibility.. but we will monitor the baby." She told me, then she ran up to surgery.

I looked at Violet and cried.
"Hey it's ok.. they'll both pull through.." she told me. Pulling me into her arms.
Then the rest of the firehouse came.
"What happened? Where's Bri?" Aunt Stella came running in.

"At the firehouse, she was complaining of having some discomfort, like slight cramping. But since she's 18 weeks, almost 19, I told her it was normal. Then a few hours later she runs off to the bathroom, throwing up blood and then she starts getting these stabbing pains. We rush her over here.. and she was bleeding... and then they check her here and her belly is filled with so much blood that they couldn't even see the baby or uterus." I explained.

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