Chapter 41

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~Brielle's POV~
-July 5th-
We're on shift and Alyssa and I are excited about tomorrow since tomorrow is transfer day.

It was about 5pm.
I needed to work on something for OFI so I was in my dad's office because I needed a quiet environment to read these files and think.
All the units beside truck were out on a call.

We're working on an arson case, an apartment complex fire.
I was reviewing the files, cause we're at a dead end, I was getting frustrated. Then I just start crying. I wasn't even that frustrated, but all these hormones have been killing me.

All of a sudden I just felt so upset and angry and frustrated, but I didn't understand why. The case isn't even difficult, just mildly confusing. I went on the floor between the wall and my dad's bunk and put my head in my knees and cried. I was just upset, but for absolutely no reason.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even hear that someone came in the office.
"Hey Bri are you-?" I heard a voice.
I looked up and saw my mom there.
"Honey what's wrong?" My mom asked, sitting on the bunk, pulling me up to sit on there with her.

"Hormones... I hate these things..." I sniffled.
"What were you doing?" She asked me.
"Just reviewing the arson case files, I was confused on something and just got so frustrated and upset and angry for no reason..." I said.

"Look it's ok... tomorrow you're gonna have the implantation and you don't have to take them anymore." She told me.
"Yea but then in a few weeks I'll still be all hormonal again because I'll be pregnant, if the IVF works.." I said.

"It will work... you have to believe that.." she lifted up my chin and smiled at me
"It better, I better not be doing all of this for nothing..." I said.

"What time is it?" She asked.
"Um... 5:45. Why?" I asked.
"Have you taken your evening dose?" She asked.
I groaned.

"No... I don't want to..." I said.
"Come on... you just have to do this dose now, and then tomorrow and that's the last thing right?" She asked.
"I guess..." I said.

"Hey babe, are you in here?" I heard Alyssa open the door.
She looked and me and my mom confused.
"What happened?" She asked.
"She just got a little emotional..." My mom said, rubbing my back.

"Come here... I'm sorry.. I know you're having a hard time with this.." Alyssa came over next to me on the bunk and hugged me.
"I hate this..." I said
"Babe, you have to take your evening dosage right now, come on. I'm sorry." Alyssa pulled me off the bunk.

We went to the locker room. I got some rubbing alcohol and a piece of gauze to clean where the injection would go and got a pill.
"I'm so done with these..." I groaned.

"It's ok, just this one and then tomorrow and we're done." She smiled.
"I'm excited for tomorrow.. it's transfer day..." I smiled at her.
"I know.. me too." She smiled and gave me a kiss.

She did the injection and I took the pill.
"Just one more dosage tomorrow and you'll be done.." she whispered.
"Thank god..." I said.
"You haven't been too nauseous though.. that's something good." She whispered.
"I've been nauseous a few times... but luckily it hasn't been as bad as it will be in a few weeks..." I sorta chuckled.

-next day-
It was 7:45am shift was basically over. Alyssa and I did the last dose of hormones and I was so relieved.
"Finally...we're done with these" I sighed in relief.
"Now the harder part comes.." Alyssa chuckled.
"Don't remind me." I laughed.

We left shift and headed over to Med.
We waited in the waiting room.
"At least what we know what to expect this time... shouldn't be too nervous now.." I whispered to Alyssa.
"Yea but you know I'll still be worried for you.." she whispered to me.

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