Chapter 44

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~Brielle's POV~
-Brielle is 16 weeks pregnant-
Today is my last shift and I am so happy and also a little sad. I love this job, but being pregnant with twins is not fun or easy. Especially having such an intense job.

I was asleep on the couch because for some reason I couldn't get comfortable last night on the bed.
"Hey baby... why are you here on the couch?" Alyssa stroked my hair to woke me up.
"I just couldn't get comfortable last night.. I don't know why..." I said, waking up.

We got ready for shift.
"Today's your last shift for a while." Alyssa said.
"Yea it is... I'll try to come and visit." I smiled.
"I'll miss you on ambo..." She gave me a hug and kissed me.
"I'll miss you too. Now I'll be home alone for 24 hours every-time you have shift." I said.

We got to shift.
"Hey! Last shift! You excited?" My mom asked as she saw Alyssa and I in the locker room.
"Yea. Excited to have a little break." I said.

We went to briefing.
"Alright everyone so today is Brielle's last day at 51 for some time. I hope you come and visit 51 still." Uncle Matt said.
"Well this is where my family is so you bet I will." I laughed.

After briefing, we all just sat in the common room.
"You guys know the gender of the baby yet?" Gallo asked.
"No, Addilynn and Layla do and they are planning the gender reveal party." Alyssa said.

"Do you know where?" Ritter asked.
"No, they want to surprise us." I laughed.
"We've been helping them a bit. But we have no clue what the gender is." Aunt Gabby and my mom said.

"Why are you stopping work so early?" Otis asked.
"Because I don't think I can work anymore." I laughed.
"Plus, it's better since she's approaching the 18 week mark in just 2 weeks..." Alyssa grabbed my hand.

Ambo 61 man down from unknown causes 45 Brighton Ave

Violet, Alyssa and I ran to the ambo.
We ended up at this house.
"Fire department. Paramedics." Violet knocked on the door.

We didn't hear an answer after a minute. Then the  door opened. It was a guy who looked around Alyssa and I's age.
"Hey. My friend, I think he's really badly hurt.." he said.

"Hey calm down, where is he?" Alyssa asked.
The guy led us to a room where his friend was. This was lying down on his back, his face away from us. There was blood on him.
"Hey sir can you hear me?" Violet asked. The guy was awake and moving, but not responding.

I went to the other side of the guy to see his face. Then once I saw him I immediately jumped back. It was Jared.
Violet and Alyssa saw too. But we knew we couldn't let that effect how we treat him.

I got the monitors on him.
"Oxygen is holding. BP is a little fast. Pulse is a little weak." I said.
He took off his sweater and found needle marks on him.
"Hey, what did he take?" Violet asked the guy who answered the door.

He didn't say anything at first.
"Come on we're just here to help your friend."  Alyssa said.
"It was heroin." The guy finally said.
"Let's get him on some fluids and to the ambo." Violet said.
"No! No hospital! He can't go to there!" The guy yelled.
"Why?" Violet asked.

"Because he..." the guy didn't finish his sentence.
"Because he escaped prison?" I asked.
The guy looked at me shocked.
"Listen we have to take him or he will die." Alyssa said.
"Ok... fine." The guy said.

We got Jared in the ambo.
"Go in the front, I don't want you near him." Alyssa said.
"No it's fine.." I said.
"Brielle I'll be in the back with Alyssa. You can drive." Violet said.

I reluctantly drove the ambo.
Then once we got to Med, we wheeled him in. He started to wake up.
"Jared Jensen 22 years old heroin overdose." I said.
"Dr. Choi, Dr. Halstead, Bay 4." Maggie said.

We brought him in the room.
He woke up and saw me.
"What the hell? Why the hell are you here? Where am I?" He asked.
"Hey Jared, you overdosed on heroin. You're in Chicago Med." Dr. Halstead told him.

"What? No get me out of here!" Jared yelled.
Then April came in.
"Dr. Choi... this patient escaped from jail last week..." She said.

"I'm not going back there!" Jared yelled.
He looked at me more.
"So you did get out of that boot and crutches." He said.
"That was 4 years ago." I said.
"Let's go.." Alyssa whispered.

I turned away and he saw my stomach.
"I hope you loose that baby!" He yelled at me.
"Alright that's enough." Dr. Choi told him.
I didn't turn back at him, I felt tears full my eyes just walked away to the ambo.

~Alyssa's POV~
I saw Brielle get emotional and she just walked away to the ambo.
"Bri wait!" I said, but she was gone.
"Go to her, I'll get this incident report done." Violet told me.

Before I went back to the ambo, I went to Jared.
"I don't understand how you escaped... I just hope you die in jail. I hope you get a death sentence, maybe get murdered in jail.. I don't care. Just know that if I wasn't on shift right now, I would kill you." I told him.
"Do it. I dare you." He told me.

I looked at Dr. Choi and Dr. Halstead.
They both shook there heads and whispered that it wasn't worth the trouble.

I went back to the ambo and Brielle was in the back of the ambo crying.
"Babe, come here... I'm so sorry...." I hugged her.
"What if we do loose them?" She looked at me.
I wiped her tears.

"Listen, that guy is a maniac. We'll never see him again, we'll tell our parents and head by the district tomorrow to make sure that he never gets out. I promise." I stroked her hair.
She nodded her head and got a tissue to wiped her tears.

~Brielle's POV~
I finally calmed down. Then Violet opened the ambo doors.
"Hey you ok?" She asked.
I nodded my head.
"Ok.. let's head back." She said.

-few hours later-
We've had a bunch more calls.
Alyssa and I were in the briefing room, doing some stuff on our laptops. All the other units were out on all call. It was about 8pm.

"So... besides that whole thing with Jared.. how has your last shift been?" Alyssa asked me.
"Besides that call... it's been a good last shift... I can't wait to find out the genders.." I smiled, putting my hand on my stomach.

"I can't wait either... then it'll be easier to actually buy stuff and do the nursery." She laughed.
Then I got a call from Dr. Halstead.

Brielle: hello?
Will: Hey Brielle, so we got Jared stable and sobered up. We will send him to a rehab for a few weeks, then he will go back to jail. I notified my brother and the rest of intelligence. None of them knew that he ever escaped.

Brielle: ok, thanks Will. I appreciate you called me.
Will: yea of course. Jay said that he will keep tabs on Jared to make sure that this doesn't happen again.
Brielle: alright thanks, have a good night.

"What did he say?" Alyssa asked me.
"So Jared is stable and sober now... they're sending him to rehab for a few weeks then it's back to jail. Jay and the rest of intelligence will keep tabs on him to make sure he doesn't escape again." I explained.
"Oh ok... look what I found." She smiled.

She showed me her laptop screen. She was on Pinterest and saw this adorable idea for the nursery. We wanted to do a colorful pastel nursery.
"That is so cute!" I said.
"Yea.. I can't wait to know the genders and come up with their names..." she smiled and put her hand on my stomach.

"The gender reveal is in 3 weeks... I can't wait." I smiled and gave her a kiss.
"I know me either..." she smiled and kissed me back.


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