Chapter 70

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-end of February-
~Brielle's POV~
I'm 15 weeks pregnant now. And we still haven't told anyone. We're honestly surprised how hard it's been it hide this pregnancy. The first pregnancy, we hid it until 15 weeks, and we're thinking of telling our parents soon because I'm gonna transfer to ambo next week.

We ended up not planning the vacation for Sky and Cam's 3rd birthday because Natalie said it probably wouldn't be the best given how high risk my pregnancy is, and if something were to happen, we wouldn't be here.

My stomach has gotten so much bigger. But I've mostly just been wearing sweaters and jackets because it's still super cold in Chicago. It usually doesn't get warm until the end of March here.

This pregnancy has been so hard to hide because my hormones never stop. My nausea is bad too, but I take those gummies, so it's ok. But lately, this past week I've called out of every shift because I just wouldn't stop crying and I was constantly just upset for no reason, and my nausea was so bad that I had to go to Med because I was getting dehydrated. Nat said it was some sort of thing that she was worried would happen in my pregnancy.

Since I haven't been to shift a in a while, our parents are suspicious. But I'm gonna try and go to shift today.
I woke up and went downstairs to the bathroom. I showered and braided my hair. But I was exhausted and just so out of it.

Alyssa knocked on the bathroom door.
"My love? You're going to shift today?" She asked me.
"Yea, I've been calling out sick for the past 4-5 shift straight, that's almost 2 weeks weeks worth of shifts. And our parents are super suspicious now. I kinda feel like I have to go." I said.

"But my love, if you don't feel good, you shouldn't go." She told me.
"I think we should tell them tomorrow night. We'll invite them over for dinner and tell them there. And maybe tomorrow morning after shift, when we pick up Skylar and Cameron from Addilynn and Layla's, we'll tell them." I said.

"Ok, yea we should tell them already. I mean, it's insane how we've hide it this long from everyone, considering how hard this has been on you." She told me.

"Yea well... it has been hard. There's no way I'm gonna doubt that.. but it's worth it.." I smiled at her and gave her a kiss. She put her hand on my stomach and smiled.

Then I felt a little flutter.
"Did you feel that?" I asked her.
"No what?" She asked.
"I think I felt the baby kick a little..." I smiled.
She smiled and gave me a kiss.

"Are you gonna shower?" I asked her.
"No, I just wanted to see where you were." She told me.
We went upstairs, got dressed, and then we woke up Skylar and Cameron and got them ready.

We dropped them off and headed to shift.
"Hey! You're back!" Ritter said when he saw me.
"Yea, I'm back!" I laughed.

After briefing, my parents called me in their office.
"Hey, so... how come you haven't been here in almost 2 weeks?" My dad asked.
"Just... wasn't feeling good. Had a bug." I lied.

Then the bells went off.
All units, Car accident 45 halted Ave
We went to the vehicles.

When we got to the accident. It wasn't too bad. 2 cars hit a barrier, causing lots of debris, and there was a huge crowd.
"Severide, crowd control. Everyone else, you're with me at the minivan." My mom ordered.

I did crowd control.
"Alright everyone, can you please let them work?" I made everyone step back.
"Woah, since when did they allow female firefighters?" Some guy asked.

"Sir, can you please step back?" I asked him.
"Just saying, women are too emotional to have such a manly job." He told me.
"Sir I've already asked you to step back." I told him.

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