Chapter 81

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-Mid September-
-Brielle is now 38 weeks pregnant-
-Addilynn is 26 weeks-

~Brielle's POV~
Today I'm 38 weeks. We have an appointment today.
My body has completely given up. I'm way more tired than I ever was before. My body always hurts. I'm always nauseous. The Braxton Hicks have been getting more intense. I never got to this stage with the twins, so it's all new to me.

Today, Skylar and Cameron are with Jaxson and Kenzie. They slept over last night and they're gonna hang out with them this whole weekend. And Alyssa has to go to shift, but she's going in later because of the appointment.

"Hey my love... we have the appointment today.." Alyssa stroked my hair to wake me up.
I pulled the blanket over my head.
"Can we reschedule it?" I mumbled.

I was up all night in pain, and only got like 2 hours of sleep.
"My love you know we shouldn't... I'll bring you straight home right after the appointment and you can rest." She told me.

I reluctantly got up after 15 minutes and we got ready.
After I got dressed. I laid back down on our bed.
"My love.. come on.." Alyssa chuckled and grabbed my arms to pull me up.

"I almost glad I didn't get this far with Skylar and Cameron." I laughed.
"Come on my love, we have to do the dosage and then we have to go." Alyssa said.

She did the dosage and then we left.
We got to Med and we got seen by Nat.
"Hey you two. How we doing?" Nat smiled when she walked in.

"Waiting for this baby to come." I laughed.
"You two know the drill. Let's do labs and see if there is anything abnormal, then we will discuss as we see the baby." Natalie said.

We did the blood work and were now just waiting for the results. Alyssa was sitting with me on the gurney.
"My love... you ok?" She asked me. I was just leaning on her, zoning out.

"Yea... just tired.." I said, yawning.
"I'll take you home right after this, then I'll go to shift. I don't want you driving while tired." She told me, giving me a kiss.

"No... can I stay with you? I'm scared to go into labor and you're not there..." I asked her.
"Yea, of course you can stay, I just didn't think you wanted to... you think M will come today?" She chuckled.

"These Braxton Hicks are intense... but I don't think so...I just wanna be safe.." I told her. I don't think M is gonna come today. But you never know.
"Ok my love.." she smiled and put her hand on my stomach. "You ready to come M?" She chuckled.
"I hope so.." I laughed.

Natalie came back in.
"Ok, everything still looks good... you're heart rate just seems a little slower than normal, but it could just be from the tiredness because everything else looks good." Natalie said.
"Can we check my heart rate now again?" I asked.
"Yea, sure we can do that." She said.

She checked my heart rate again.
"It's a little more normal now. You were practically sleeping when we took your heart rate before. So it might've just been the tiredness." Natalie said.
"Ok that's good." I said.
"Now let's check the baby..." Natalie said, getting the machine ready.

She waved the wand around to check on M.
"Ok.. little baby looks great. Now. You are 38 weeks. Like I said at your 36 week appointment, baby can come any day now. You HAVE to take it easy now. No walking too much, stay in the house. How have your Braxton hicks been?" She asked me.

"If these are the 'fake labor cramps' then I am definitely getting the epidural." I laughed.
"Well.. you are unfortunately not dilated. But, that can all change today, we don't know. Alyssa, are you working?" Natalie asked her.
"Yea, but Bri's gonna actually stay with me at shift today. She doesn't want to go into labor and I'm not there." Alyssa explained.

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