Chapter 4

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~Stella's POV~
I didn't have shift today, but Kelly had to head over to OFI, we woke up at the same time so I could be with him while he got ready. And I could just make breakfast for the kids.

"Be careful with Bri today please, don't let her go exploring off in the sites or something." I told Kelly.
"Don't worry babe, I'll only keep her on my hip or just a few feet away from me." Kelly told me with a kiss on my forehead.

"Does Vanmeeter know you're bringing her?" I asked him.
"No.. but he won't mind the extra set of hands, plus I've told him how helpful she's been in the past." He said.
I was a little skeptical about Bri going with Kelly, I've been to those job sites before with Kelly and they're a bit dangerous. But I know Bri is responsible and cautious. And Kelly is very careful when it comes to his kids.

"Let me go wake up Bri." I said. It was now 7:30, Kelly leaves at 815.
I went into Brielle's room to wake her up, but she was already awake.
"Hey honey, you have to get ready, you leave with dad in about 40 mins." I said.
"Ok, do I have to wear anything specific?" She asked.
"No, just jeans and a jacket. Actually... here." I gave her one of my firehouse jackets.
"Ok thanks mom." She said.

Brielle quickly got ready and came down.
"Ok listen, stay with dad, don't go wandering off, and watch your surroundings at all times." I told Brielle.
"Mom I got it." Brielle said.

~Kelly's POV~
"Alright Bri, let's go." I said, looking at my phone and seeing it was 8:10.
"Love you mom." Bri told Stella.

We got to my car to get to OFI headquarters.
"Dad can I please drive?" Brielle asked.
"I know the way to the headquarters and I'll get us there faster." I told her.
"Okay fine." She said.

We got to OFI headquarters and we went inside.
"Severide! There you are!" Vanmeeter shook my hand.
He looked a bit confused when he saw Brielle walk in behind me.
"Um, are you lost?" Seager asked Brielle.
"No, this is my daughter Brielle. The one I told you about that has helped us in the past? Well, she's finally out of high school and I thought we could use an extra set of hands on this case. She's actually pointed out something very helpful on this case." I explained. Seager looked at me very confused, and also a bit annoyed because now she knows she can't hit on me.

"Well Brielle if your as good as an Arson detective as your father, you'll do great. What are you planning on doing now that you've finished high school?" Vanmeeter asked Brielle.
"I'm going to the fire academy. Planning to work on a truck or squad company." Brielle said.

"Now let's get onto the case. I'm sure you know everything about the case now right?" Seager asked Brielle.
"Yep. And I saw something. It would be very obvious that this Trent guy would be the Arsonist. But actually, depending on the jobs these 3 guys had, would tell us if they had access to the storage room. Now I don't know this for sure, but going off of the reason Trent was fired for, he was most likely a cashier, and they don't have access to storage rooms usually." Brielle explained.

~Brielle's POV~
After I just explained everything, Vanmeeter looked impressed, but this other woman that was there, looked a bit annoyed at me.
"Well, that's a very good idea. Seager can you find out what these 3 mens' jobs were? Because if she is right, we might have been looking towards the wrong guy." Vanmeeter said.

Seager left the room to go find out.
Vanmeeter's phone went off.
"Excuse me." He said. He left the room as well.
I checked to make sure that Seager chick wasn't near us.
"Does that Seager lady hate you or something?" I whispered to my dad.
"Eh...Something like that.." he said. I could tell he wasn't telling the truth, but then I heard her walk back in.

"Ok, Severide, turns out Trent was a cashier. Henry was a shelf stocker. And Frank was in charge of keep tabs on everything in the storage room.... So I think we found our guy." Seager said. She looked at me a bit annoyed and then turned to my dad.
"The problem is.... Frank moved to Wisconsin, and we don't know here he could be." My dad said.

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