Chapter 34

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~Brielle's POV~
-end of August-
I'm officially 15 weeks pregnant today and tonight Alyssa and I are telling our parents that I'm pregnant.
I've started to show for about 3 weeks now. I've been getting a little bigger than usual. Natalie had to check and make sure it wasn't twins.

She said the baby is measuring a bit small, but my stomach has been so swollen that it measures to about 20 weeks. I've been wearing a size up in my shift shirts, so no one can tell, or I've been wearing a sweater tied around my waist.

I'm so excited and ready to get off of truck. I've just been super exhausted and sick lately. We've been able to hide it from everyone.

Alyssa and I were cooking dinner.
We are making penne vodka and garlic bread.
I was wearing a flowy, summery, pink plaid dress. You can just barely see my bump because the dress is so breezy.

"They'll be here in 1 hour..." I told Alyssa, looking at the clock.
"Yea they will be.. you excited?" She smiled at me.
"Yea. It's the biggest secret we've ever hidden from them. And I'm excited to get off of truck while pregnant." I laughed.

We finished cooking and our parents will be here in 15 mins.
Alyssa and I were hanging out on the couch.
I had my hand on my stomach, then I felt something.

"Woah..." I said, sitting up.
"What's wrong? Are you ok?" Alyssa asked me, worried.
"Yea I... I think I just felt the baby kick for the first time..." I smiled.

"Wait really?" She asked me, putting her hand on my stomach.
But the baby wouldn't really kick anymore.
"They're gonna be here in like 10 minutes. You have the box ready?" I asked Alyssa.

"Yea." Alyssa went to the laundry room and got the box.
We got a box with a little baby blanket, a onesie, and a sonogram. The onesie said "hi grandparents!" On it.
And I put a positive pregnancy test in my dress pocket, so surprise them with.

Once they finally came, we ate.
I didn't really eat much, I was feeling a bit queasy.
"So, we brought some wine and beers. Since you girls are technically the legal drinking age now." Uncle Matt laughed.

Alyssa and I looked at each other.
We each got poured a glass, but I never really touched mine, Alyssa kept swapping the drinks back and forth when no one was looking and drank both of our drinks. I would pick up my glass to pretend to drink it, but when I had to do that, I literally couldn't breathe out of my nose because the smell was just so disgusting to me.

I was feeling so out of it and exhausted and I feel like I just needed a small break from pretending.
"I'll be right back." I said, going upstairs.

I went upstairs to our room and sat on the bed with my head in my hands. After about a minute I heard the door open.
"Hey my love... are you ok?" Alyssa asked me.
"Yea just... pregnant." I chuckled.

She chuckled, hugged me, and gave me a kiss.
"It's ok... we're gonna tell them soon now and you don't have to hide your pregnancy anymore." She whispered to me.

I buried my face in her chest, exhausted. She had her hand on my stomach and the baby very very lightly kicked her hand.
After about 5 minutes we went back down.

"Everyone ok with you two?" Aunt Gabby asked.
"Yea, don't worry." Alyssa chuckled.

"Ok so.. that was delicious you guys." My dad laughed as we all finished, well I didn't really eat at all.
"We have a little surprise for you guys..." Alyssa said, I looked at her and smiled.

"What it is?" Aunt Gabby asked.
Alyssa left and went to go grab the box.
They were all so skeptical about it.
"Is this some kind of prank?" My mom asked.

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