Chapter 73

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~Brielle's POV~
I looked and saw Alyssa got shot.
"Oh my god! Baby?" I asked her.
She was holding her arm.
"It's ok. Bullet just nicked me." She said, showing me it. She was right.
"You still might need some stitches." I told her.

There was more gunfire.
"Let's get out of here." She said.
"I'll go with you guys." Erin told us, hopping in the back.

I drove us to Med.
Once we got out, we brought in the victim, once they took him, Dr. Marcel saw Alyssa.
"Hey, what happened?" He asked her.

"Bullet hit her arm." I said.
"It just nicked me." She said.
They got her in a room and Dr. Marcel looked at her arm.

"Alyssa have you had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years?" Dr. Marcel asked her.
"Um, yea about.. 5 years ago I think." She said.

"Well.. it seems that you were right Alyssa, the bullet just nicked you. But I do need to do some stitches to close this up." Dr. Marcel told her.

"Ok, can I still go back to work?" She asked.
"Yes, it just may be sore, so just take some Advil. I'll give you some ibuprofen. And I'll give you some lidocaine for the stitches. Should wear off in about 30 minutes. The stitches should take about 15 minutes." Dr. Marcel explained.

He gave her some lidocaine and then he started the stitches. She had her head on my shoulder and was squeezing my arm. She was taking sharp breaths because of the pain. I kept my lips on the top of her head.

"It's ok... it's ok... just a little more..." I whispered to her.
"Alyssa, do you want me to wait for the lidocaine to work more?" Dr. Marcel asked her.
"No just... hurry this up please... no use in prolonging this..." she said.

Dr. Marcel stitched Alyssa up and wrapped her upper arm to cover the stitches. Alyssa put on her ambo jacket and we left Med.
"You scared me babe." I told her.
"I'm ok, don't worry." She smiled and gave me a kiss.

We got back to the firehouse.
"Hey, we heard what the call was. Someone got shot?" Our parents came to us.
"Yea I got hit with a stray bullet but it just nicked my arm. Got some stitches and it's all good." Alyssa said, showing them her arm.

"We got some pretty tough kids." My dad laughed.
"Don't you forget it." I laughed.
We went to the common room, ate some breakfast, and continued on with shift.

I was in my parents quarters, talking to my mom about something.
"Come on, you're really not gonna tell us the gender when you find out?" My mom asked.
"No, come on you did that with Oakley!" I laughed.
"Yea but you knew the gender of Oakley." She laughed.
"Whatever." I laughed.

Alyssa came in.
"Hey Addilynn is bringing Skylar and Cameron later. They've been begging her all day to." She told me.
"Aww ok. Yea, they haven't been to the firehouse in a few weeks." I said.

"Do they know about the pregnancy now?" My mom asked.
"Yea it's so cute, whenever they see me, they put their little hands on my belly and say 'baby?' It's so cute." I smiled.

"Really? That's sounds so cute. You did that too when I was pregnant with Addilynn." My mom smiled.
"Really? I don't remember that. But I do remember when Addilynn was born." I smiled.

"How's the new candidate?" Alyssa asked.
"She's good, she's still a little rusty and bit too cautious, but she seems like she'll become a good firefighter." My mom said.

"She's not gonna take Bri's spot right?" Alyssa asked.
"No, don't worry. She's just gonna finish her candidacy here and then she'll find another house. We thought it was perfect since Brielle's on ambo right now and you're probably gonna be out on maternity for a year, a year and six months right?" My mom asked.
"Yea, that's the plan." I said.

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