Chapter 16

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~Brielle's POV~
It's been a week since the stairs incident and 3 weeks since the attack. My bruised ribs are still bruised. My head still has that gash in it. But on the bright side. All the bruises are almost gone. They have faded a ton. And same with the lacerations. However the they did leave a bunch of scars. They should fade away with time.
I've been sleeping in the living room for the past week so that way I don't fall down the stairs again. Alyssa rarely lets me go upstairs. Anytime I need to go upstairs. She has to be there helping me go up or down.

It was around 4pm now and Alyssa and I were just hanging out on the couch.

Alyssa finally rescheduled that date with that girl she's been talking to for like a month now.
"Hey, don't you have to get ready for that date at like 8?" I asked Alyssa.
"Yea but... I don't know if I should go... I don't want to leave you alone and you fall down the stairs again." She said.
"I'll be fine. I'm sleeping here anyway and I basically just spend all day here. Plus I can't really go anyway. I can't drive and because of my stupidity, I caused temporary nerve damage to my foot. So now I really can't go anywhere. And extended my time in this stupid thing." I laughed.
"You sure..?" She asked.
"Yes! Now go and get ready!" I pushed her.
"Ok! Ok fine!" She laughed going upstairs.

"Hey can I do your makeup!" I called up to her.
"Why?" She called back.
"Because I'm bored and I want to help!" I called back up, laughing.
"Ok fine! I'm just finishing up my hair!" She yelled out.

I laid down on the couch, on my phone. I turned to see Alyssa since she came down.
She came down and was wearing high waisted jeans, a cropped grey sweater, with some black boots, and gold jewelry on. Her hair was in beach waves.
"Damn girl." I laughed.
"Too much?" She asked.
"Well where is your date?" I asked her.
"The movies and an ice cream shop." She said.

"I mean.. kind of... but I think you look good." I said.
"Thanks. Now here, you can do my makeup." She laughed, handing me her maybe bag. I sat up and my ribs were still sore.
"You ok?" She asked.
"Yes, just my bruised ribs. Man I better not have this bad luck as a firefighter. Or else I'll be burned alive my first day." I laughed.
"Don't jinx yourself." She laughed.

"What do you want?" I asked her, looking at everything she had.
"Can you do something like this?" She asked showing me a makeup look.

 "Can you do something like this?" She asked showing me a makeup look

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"Yea sure." I said. I started doing her makeup.

"So. You never told me this girl's name." I laughed as I was doing her eyes.
"I didn't? Well her name's Makayla. She's 18. She moved here from New York about 3 months ago. Like 3 weeks before we started talking. She moved here after she graduated high school. She wanted like a fresh start or something." She told me.

"Oh that's cool. Look up... so what movie are you guys seeing?" I asked.
"Sing 2." She told me.
"Out of all the movies out there?" I laughed.
"What? We were trying to decide and we decided on that cause it's a cute movie. It has a bunch of songs and stuff." She told me.

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