Chapter 71

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~Brielle's POV~
I looked at Alyssa, realizing I just lashed out again. Knowing I screwed up again.
"Severide... that's it.. you're suspended until further notice.." Uncle Matt told me.

I looked at Alyssa.
"What? Dad, no you can't-" Alyssa started to say, but her mom cut her off.
"No Alyssa, the way she's been acting has been unacceptable." Aunt Gabby said.

"You can't suspend her." Alyssa said.
"Unless you can give us a good reason why you've been acting this way, you're suspended. We don't know until when it will be, but your actions have reached Chief Kilborne's attention. So you can either give us a reason, or pack up your locker and leave." My mom told me.

I looked at our parents.
"I'm pregnant." I blurted out.
As soon as I said that, my eyes widened and Alyssa looked at me shocked.
"Are you... are you serious?" My mom asked me.
I was just standing there for a second, still shocked I said that.

"Um... y-yea..." I said. Unzipping my jacket for them to see my stomach.
"Why would you keep this from us?" My dad asked.
"We've been worried this whole pregnancy so far.. we honestly didn't know if something was going to happen or not." Alyssa said.

"How far along are you now?" Aunt Gabby asked.
"15 weeks.. look I'm sorry we kept this from you for so long and lied to you guys.. it's just.. we didn't know what was going to happen." I said.

"I guess... this explains everything... does anyone know?" Uncle Matt asked.
"Yea, the only ones who knew are Addilynn and Layla." Alyssa said.
"How come you've still been working on truck?" My mom asked.

"Natalie told me I could be on truck no more than 16 weeks. So I was planning on going to ambo next week." I said.
"When were you guys gonna tell us?" My dad asked.
"Tomorrow night." Alyssa said.
"Did you feel like you couldn't trust us?" My mom asked.

"No mom, it wasn't anything like that... we just.. I don't know... we were scared if something were to happen. And especially with all this stuff that has been going on the past few weeks... it was honestly just never a right time." I said.

"But.. I thought you guys said you didn't want to try again? And Bri... I thought that whole argument you guys had was because you could die if you get pregnant again?" My dad asked.

"Yea.. that's what the argument was about. And that's another reason why I haven't been myself. I had to increase the dosage of my hormones and I take them everyday for the rest of my pregnancy. The reason I was out for almost 2 weeks was because I feel so physically and emotionally drained for absolutely no reason and I'm just so exhausted with everything and sick to my stomach. This is why I've been lashing out, distant, not myself.. I'm sorry this is how you guys had to find out but..." I said, and my voice trailed off into just a sigh and I put my face in my hands.

"Listen... I understand that you guys were scared.. but we are not only your Lieutenants and Captain, we're your parents. So you guys need to know that even though you guys are adults, you guys can still come to us." Uncle Matt said.
"Are you moving to ambo soon?" Aunt Gabby asked.
"Yea, next week, we had a little plan to tell you guys tomorrow over dinner." Alyssa said.

"Are you planning onto tell the rest of the firehouse?" My mom asked.
"Yea, we were thinking when I transfer to ambo..." I said.
"Ok. Do you have your transfer papers?" Uncle Matt asked me.

"Yea." I said, zipping my jacket back up and going out to my locker.
I went back to the briefing room and gave it to them. It was in a file.

He opened up the file and saw the sonogram photo we had.
"You guys know the gender yet?" My mom asked, taking the sonogram photo.
"Nope." I said
"And we aren't gonna tell anyone once we know. We're gonna tell everyone the gender once the baby is born." Alyssa said.

"What are you guys hoping for?" Aunt Gabby smiled.
"A healthy pregnancy." I laughed.
"Yea, we don't really care about the gender." Alyssa said.
"How did you manage to hide this from us for so much
long?" My dad asked.

"That's... exactly what we're wondering." Alyssa laughed.
"Yea.. this pregnancy has been so much harder than the twins. And that pregnancy was literally twins." I laughed.

"Do you know when you're gonna stop working?" Uncle Matt asked.
"I don't know. Really depends. Every appointment Natalie has to check my Liver, Kidney, and Heart functions because those were a big reason why it wasn't the best idea for me to get pregnant. And I take the hormones to keep those organ steady... and unfortunately.. because I'm taking those hormones, mixed with regular pregnancy hormones, I sometimes lash out or I'm just not myself..." I said.

"Well.. it's great that you're pregnant again... but if your pregnancy is so high risk... maybe you shouldn't work?" My mom asked.

"Well... if I can work, I want to, but the minute something isn't right, I'm gonna stop." I said.
"Do Skylar and Cameron know?" My dad asked.
"No, we didn't want to risk them telling someone." Alyssa chuckled.

Ambo 61, Squad 3 person in distress 34 Lincoln park

"I'll see you later." Alyssa gave me a quick kiss before her and my dad ran out.
"Well... it's good that you guys know now." I laughed.
Uncle Matt had to take a call on his phone so he left.

"How have you been feeling? How did you hide it for this long?" My mom asked.
"I honestly not know how we hid it for so long... I've been just... it's been hard. I'm always nauseous, moody, just.. not feeling like myself... always drained." I said.

It was now later on during shift. It was 5pm now.
I was laying on my bunk closing my eyes for a bit when I heard some noise.

"Mama!" I felt something climb into my bunk. I opened my eyes and saw Skylar, Cameron, and Addilynn.
"Hey!" I laughed.

"Hey, they were begging to come all day, sorry they woke you." Addilynn said.
"No problem, hi my babies!" I hugged them.

"Mama, we went to the park!" Cameron said.
"You did? Did you have fun?" I asked him.
"Yea! We went down a big slide!" Skylar said.

"Did you drive Addilynn and Layla crazy?" I laughed.
"It's been just me today with them. Layla's with Anthony today." Addilynn told me.

"Oh, I didn't know that." I said.
"Where's Alyssa?" She asked.
"Out on a call. All the vehicles are out besides truck." I said.
"Where's mommy?" Cameron asked.
"Mommy's out on a call baby." I told him.

"How've you been? I know that you haven't gone to work in a while." Addilynn asked me.
"It's.... Ok... we had to tell mom, dad, Aunt Gabby, and Uncle Matt today." I said.

"Why did you have to tell them?" She asked me.
"Because I snapped at mom again on accident and I was about to get suspended." I laughed.

"What? Oh my god. Really?" Addilynn asked.
"Yup, and The weird thing was I didn't even mean to say it. I kinda just blurted it out on accident because I that was the first thing that came out of my mouth." I laughed.

"What about the rest of the firehouse?" She asked me.
"They don't know. And neither do they." I said, pointing to the twins.

"When are you telling them? And when are you gonna move units or stop working? I feel like you shouldn't even be working because of how high risk this one is.." she said.

"I'm going to ambo next week. And then we'll tell everyone the day I have to switch. And don't worry.. every appointment takes like almost 2-3 hours because we have to check everything." I laughed.

"Yea but.. weren't you in Med a few days ago because you were so sick that you were dehydrated?" She asked me.

"Yea, but I got cleared to go back. I'm ok, look my wife is a paramedic. And she's just as worried as I am about this whole thing. I'm ok." I laughed.


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