Chapter 53

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~Brielle's POV~
The twins are 10 months old now.
It's crazy how they will be one in just less than 2 months.
They're already trying to start walking. They've been just standing themselves up if they can find something to pull up on. And they are always crawling.

I was awake with Alyssa as she was getting ready for shift. We were both downstairs.
"We might head by later today. I have to run some errands, but they should be quick." I told Alyssa.
"Alright. I gotta go now, I have to head by the academy before shift." She told me with a kiss.

"What for?" I asked.
"Not really sure, Violet told me it was mandatory though. Give the kids a kiss for me." She said, giving me another kiss before running out.

About 10 minutes after Alyssa left, I heard a little voice.
"Mama" I heard upstairs. I saw both of them awake.
"Hi my babies, you guys hungry?" I asked them. They both smiled and wanted to be picked up.
I got them both up and we went downstairs.
I sat them both in their high chairs and cut up some fruit for them.

After they finished their fruit, I got them ready for the day.
I was in my room and left the twins in their room to play with some toys as I got myself ready. We have a gate on the stairs, so I don't have to worry about them falling down.

"Mama." I heard a little voice come in the room. I saw Skylar crawling in.
"Hi my princess, what are you doing in here? You should be with your brother." I laughed, picking her up.

I picked her up and she wanted to pull my shirt up.
I fed her, then I finished getting ready.
Once we all done getting ready, I got them in the car and we did some errands. I had to go to the grocery store, go to target, and go to the bank.

We got to the grocery store, I got a double cart to put both babies in the front. I didn't need much stuff, just snacks for them and a couple fruits and some other stuff. We were all done and at the check out now.

"Aww they're adorable." Some lady in front of me at checkout said.
"Thanks." I smiled.
"Are they your siblings?" She asked.

That took me by shock a bit, I'm 23 years old already, but I guess I look younger, and when I was 18, I always looked like I was 21.
"Mama." Cameron reached his arms up to be carried.
"No they're my kids." I laughed. "Cam we'll be out of here soon."

"Oh wow, you just look so young! Who do they look more like, your husband or you?" She laughed.
"Well people say she looks a lot like me, and then a couple people say he looks like my wife." I said.

"Wife? Oh if you don't mind me asking, how did you guys get pregnant?" She asked me.
"We did IVF. We gave a description of a what we want a donor to look like, we found one that look also identical to my wife and we implanted fertilized embryos into my uterus." I explained.

"Oh wow, I've never known how that process is done before. Are you a paramedic?" She asked. I forgot I had a CFD jacket on.
"No I'm a firefighter with the CFD, my wife is a paramedic." I said.
"Mama" Cameron said again and wanted me to pick him up.

"I'll let you carry on with your day, it was nice talking to you." The lady smiled.
"Thanks like-wise." I smiled.
I paid for all the groceries. Then we went back to the car and did the rest of the errands. Both Skylar and Cameron were tired and it was time for their nap once we got home from the errands. So I brought them inside first and put them down for their naps.

Then I brought all the bags inside and unpacked all the groceries and the few things we got at target.
I unpacked everything and then just waited for the twins to take their nap. I got a call from Vanmeeter.

Brielle: hello?
Vanmeeter: hey Brielle! How are you?
Brielle: I'm doing good. Yourself?
Vanmeeter: good, good. Hey so listen... we could really use your help over here.

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