Chapter 49

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~Brielle's POV~
-mid March-
I'm 32 weeks already. I had my 32 week appointment yesterday. Natalie told me that I shouldn't leave the house too much anymore, and that I have to take it very easy now. I got woken up my Alyssa getting ready for shift.

"I didn't know you had shift today..." I said, rubbing my eyes open.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you... go back to sleep, my love." She gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"I'll try to come by later..." I said sleepily.

"Ok, but.. don't if you don't feel up to it.. remember you have to take it easy. I have to go now, love you." She told me.
"Love you too.. keep your badge off the wall please..." I said.
"I promise.." she chuckled and gave me a kiss and grabbing her shift bag before running out.

I got up after laying around for about an hour. I ate some breakfast and showered.
After I got showered, I put my hair in two French braids and got dressed in maternity leggings and a sweater. Nothing has been fitting me lately, I'm 8 months pregnant with twins, so it's kinda normal I guess.

Alyssa and I have plans to go hang out with Madison, Oakley, and Mason this weekend, we're gonna go to the cabin. Alyssa packed her bag yesterday. It took some convincing for Alyssa to agree. She really just wants me on strict bed rest.

I decided to pack my bag now.
I got some pants, shirts, sweaters, and under garments.
I went into the twin's room and just walked around, admiring it.
"I can't wait for you guys to come... but not just yet.." I laughed, looking down at my stomach. "Bake for a few more weeks."

I decided to clean up the room a bit. I swept, mopped, did the same for Alyssa and I's room, and did the same for the rest of the house. After that it was about 3pm. I was so tired now, I was just laying on the couch, on my phone.
Then I got a call from Vanmeeter, which I thought was weird.

Brielle: hello?
Vanmeeter: hey Brielle, I was wondering if you could work on this case with us. We could really use you.
Brielle: I'm sorry Captain, you know I can't.

Vanmeeter: come on, we really need you. With your eye for arson, we could get this done in a matter of weeks instead of months.
Brielle: Captain I can't. I'm sorry. Hope you guys solve the case though.

Once I hung up, I thought that was weird.
He knows I'm pregnant, why would he be calling me, asking for help on a case.
I had to run some errands today, so I got my purse and went down to the car.

As I got in the car, before I turned it on, I got a call from Seager.
Brielle: hello?
Seager: hey Brielle, listen, I know you already told Vanmeeter no, but would you just consider coming back? Just for one case?
Brielle: Lieutenant I'm sorry, I can't. You both know this.
Seager: yes but-

Brielle: Seager I'm sorry, I will not repeat myself again, I'm 32 weeks pregnant with twins. I stopped working like 3 months ago. If you need someone on the case, ask my father. But I cannot work right now.
Seager: do you know when you will return back? We could really use you back here at OFI.

Brielle: my wife and I haven't discussed that yet. But I don't see myself going back to OFI anytime soon. I cannot handle the stress right now of working. Like I said before, if you guys just want a Severide at OFI, you guys know my father has way more experience than I do.

I hung up the phone and felt frustrated.
"What in the world?" I asked myself.
I decided to go to the firehouse. On the way there, both Seager and Vanmeeter kept on calling. And even some other people from OFI.

"Hey Bri, how are you?" Aunt Gabby smiled at me when she saw me walk up.
"Been good, you know where Alyssa is?" I asked.
"Ambo left on a call about 15 minutes ago. Is something wrong?" She asked me.

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