Chapter 89

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~Alyssa's POV~
Scarlett isn't breathing. She was turning blue, my mom suctioned her mouth, I was rubbing her chest, but she wouldn't cry. We tried everything and she just wouldn't breathe.

Dr. Choi and April ran inside with her.
Brielle was loosing a lot of blood. She was looking dizzy from the blood loss.

"What's... happening.." she asked.
"My love, Scarlett-" I started to say, but she passed out.
"Let's get her inside!" Natalie ordered.

They brought her into the ER.
"She's loosing too much blood." Natalie said.
"Hang some blood and get her on the monitors." Dr. Halstead ordered.
"Hey, where's Scarlett?" I asked Maggie.
"Who's Scarlett?" She asked me.

"The baby Dr. Choi and April ran in with." I asked.
"Oh... I'm not sure... but.. that baby was blue... I'm sorry but Alyssa, I wouldn't get your hopes up.." she told me.
Right when she heard that, I saw some noise coming from Brielle's bay.

I heard rapid beeping.
"She's crashing!" I heard Dr. Halstead yell.
I went to her room, but my mom went in front of me.
"No, stay out here." She told me.

They shocked her like 5 times.
"I can't loose her again..." I was tearing up in my mom's chest.
"We got a steady rhythm." Dr. Halstead said.

"She's loosing too much blood, we need to operate, this bleed is probably coming from her liver or kidney." Natalie ordered. They sent her up.

I didn't know what to do. I was so afraid. I started hyperventilating.
"Honey, honey, look at me... it's ok, they'll both be ok.." she told me, she hugged me.

I was trying to breathe and I couldn't. I looked at the blood on the floor in Brielle's bay, I had the picture of Scarlett being born and turning blue in my mind.

"She... they..." was all I could say. Everything else I tried to say turned into a cry. My eyes were filling up with tears, now I couldn't see straight, I kept trying to take a deep breath and I couldn't.

"Hey.. Alyssa, why don't we have a seat over here and try and calm down.." Dr. Charles came over.
He took me to another room.

"They can't be gone... I can't loose them..." I told him, my breathing was shaky.
"I... got word... on your daughter.." he told me.
I looked up at him.
"No.. no... she's dead... isn't she?" I cried.

"No no, she's doing good. She's breathing. We can go see her now if you like." He told me.
I looked at him in disbelief for a second.
"Wait really?... she's ok?" I asked him.
"Yea, how about we go see her right now?" He asked me.

I nodded my head. We went up to the NICU.
I saw Scarlett there.
"Hi Scarley..." I whispered to her in the crib.
"You can hold her if you like." April came in.
I picked her up.

Scarlett opened her eyes and smiled when she saw me.
"Hi... I'm your mommy..." I told her. I teared up as I held her close.

"I just hope you'll be able to meet your Mama..." I cried.
"Honey, Aunt Stella texted me. They want an update. They don't know that Brielle even gave birth." My mom told me.

"Not right now... I wanna wait and see what's going on with Bri..." I sniffled.
"She's adorable Alyssa..." my mom smiled as she saw Scarlett.
"You wanna hold her?" I asked. I gave Scarlett to my mom.

My mom held her and smiled.
"She looks like you when you were born.." she smiled at me.
I chuckled.

"Can you just tell the firehouse that you don't know or something? Or maybe just don't say anything? I don't want anyone to worry..." I said.
"Ok... honey... don't worry. She's not gonna leave you this easily.." she told me.

"We don't know that mom..." I sighed.
"I know that... she's gonna pull through just like she has every other time." She told me.

The firehouse went back to the firehouse. The kids are still in the firehouse too. My mom didn't tell anyone, which is what I wanted for now since I don't know what's happening.

I was just in the NICU with Skylar. She was laying in her little crib, I watched her.
Then Natalie came in.
"Alyssa?" She knocked.
"Yea? Is it about Bri?" I asked.

"Yes. Brielle is ok. The bleeding was from her liver. It seems that probably the uterus was putting pressure on her liver, then it was bleeding. And combined with Brielle also giving birth, it made that worsen." Natalie said.

"But she's ok?" I asked.
"Yes. Scarlett is actually doing very very well. We have Brielle in a recovery room right now. They are lightening her sedation. April can bring you up. I just have to check Scarlett one more time." She told me.

April took me to Brielle's room.
She was awake on the bed, crying. Dr. Halstead was there, trying to calm her down.

"Hey my love..." I hugged her.
"We lost her... she's gone.. isn't she?" She cried.
"What? No, no, my love... Scarlett's here.. she's alive.. and so are you..." I looked in her eyes and teared up.

"She is?... where-where is she?" She asked me.
Then Natalie came in with Scarlett.
Brielle held her.
Brielle looked at Scarlett and cried and chuckled.

"Does um... does anyone know what's been going on?" She asked me.
"Only my mom.. everyone else doesn't know anything." I told her.

We looked at Scarlett, she was all smiles.
"I can't wait for your big siblings to meet you..." Brielle smiled at Scarlett.


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