Chapter 79

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-Brielle is now 30 weeks-
-Addilynn is now 18 weeks-
-end of July-

~Brielle's POV~
It's been a week since that fight I had with Addilynn.
We still haven't spoken but I know Alyssa has been talking with Lucas. I'm not sure if anyone knows about the argument, and I honestly don't want anyone to know. What Addilynn said really hurt me, and I honestly don't know when I want to talk to her again.

I have my 30 week appointment today. So we all have to get ready.
"Mama, after we go to the doctors can we get ice cream?" Cameron asked me.
"Yea sure sweetheart." I smiled at him.
"Babe, come on, we have to do your dosage before we go." Alyssa told me.

We got the dosage done and went to Med.

We did all the blood work already and are now just waiting for the test results to come back.

"Ok so, Brielle everything looks good... how've you been feeling?" Natalie asked me when she came in.
"I feel like I've felt a mix of everything lately." I laughed. "I've been happy, upset, energetic, exhausted, and everything in between."

"Well... we know that's not uncommon. But let's check out this little one. How have you been with keep your stress and anxiety levels down?" She asked me.

"Well... last week Addilynn and I had a fight... so that kinda got me super worked up." I said.
"What was the argument about? And how did that affect you?" She asked me.

"So... Bri is constantly checking on Addilynn, making sure nothing is wrong because she doesn't want anything to happen. And she doesn't want her to experience a miscarriage... and Bri was checking up on her like 5 times a day, everyday for the first 2 weeks since we found out she was pregnant. Then, last week Bri asked her again and Addilynn got super annoyed.. and she basically yelled at Brielle, 'Bri! Can you stop! I'm not gonna loose the baby like you did!'.. and.. she hasn't spoken to her sister since..." Alyssa explained.

"I'm so sorry... I'm sure she didn't mean it..." Natalie told me.
"Just... she knows how much that affected us and she had no right to say that..." I said.
"How did that affect you?" Natalie asked.
"I was just worked up and I just went to my room." I explained.

"She went to our room. When I went in there she was hyperventilating, shaking, crying, pacing back and forth... she wasn't breathing right.. after about 5 she finally calmed down... but she was just not feeling good.. I guess the stress got to her and she threw up, then she was super tired and out of it.. so she went to sleep and didn't want to speak to Lucas or Addilynn. I sent them home and that was the last we saw them... I'm still in contact with Lucas.. but he tells me that Addilynn has just been... upset." Alyssa explained.

"Ok... well... let's see the baby!" Natalie said.
We saw baby M and heard their heartbeat.
"Healthy little baby..." Natalie smiled.
I looked at Alyssa and smiled.
"Ok so, come back in 2 weeks for your 8 month appointment!" Natalie said as she wrapped up.

We left Med.
"It's nice that everything's good..." I smiled, with my hand on my stomach.
"Yea, it was amazing news..." Alyssa gave me a kiss.
"Mama? Can we go get ice cream now?" Cameron asked me.
"Yea can we?" Skylar asked, excitedly.

"Sure babies, let's go." I laughed.
We went to an ice cream shop near our house.
"Mama can I have this one?" Skylar pulled my hand and pointed to a coffee ice cream.

"Um... not that one honey, I don't need you to be any more crazy than you already are." I laughed.
"Ok... this one?" She asked, pointing to a blue raspberry one.
"Ok sure honey." I smiled.

Cameron picked out a flavor too.
"You wanna share one?" Alyssa asked me.
"Yea sure, what flavor?" I asked her.
"I was looking at that rainbow one. It's supposed to have like really tropical flavors." She told me.
"Ok. Yea let's do that." I told her.

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