Chapter 40

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~Brielle's POV~
It's June 17th and I start the IVF treatment in 4 days.
I'm still so excited but also nervous that I'll loose another baby.

Today we're gonna tell our parents that we are gonna try to do IVF again, and talk to them about what I should do in terms of what unit. I ended up calculating the dates wrong and I actually finished up my candidate position last week, so now I'm officially a real firefighter.

Our parents are just coming over to hang out for a bit. And we'll tell them.
"Why am I so nervous to tell them?" I laughed as Alyssa and I were both sitting on the couch, watching some TV as we were waiting for them to come.
"Don't be, baby..." Alyssa laughed and grabbed my hand.

Then we heard a knock at the door.
"Hey you guys!" My mom said.
"We bring beer!" Uncle Matt said, we all laughed.

We ended up talking for a bit before Alyssa and I decided to tell them.
"So... we wanted to tell you guys something... Alyssa and I are gonna try again for a baby.." I said.
"Really? That's great you two!" Aunt Gabby said.
"Which one will get pregnant?" My mom asked.
"I will, Alyssa agreed that she will get pregnant if we decide to have another one." I laughed.

"Isn't Alyssa terrified of being pregnant?" Uncle Matt laughed.
"Yup..." Alyssa laughed.
"So... to make sure this pregnancy goes better than last time... starting in 4 days I have to take 2 injections and a pill twice a day of hormones for 2 weeks. Then once those two weeks are done, I'll be off the hormones and it will just be a wait game." I said.

"You'll be on hormones? Man and that many?" My dad asked.
"Yes, I don't want to loose another baby..." I said.
"So.. we just wanted to tell you early because once Brielle is about 12 weeks or so, we think she'll move to Ambo." Alyssa explained .
"Yea definitely, I'll do the paperwork once that time comes." Uncle Matt said.

"You'll still work at OFI while pregnant? Like how you tried to do the last time?" My dad asked.
"Yea I'm gonna try." I said.
"That's amazing you guys." My mom smiled.

"I'm excited and also terrified..." I laughed.
"Don't worry... you guys will have your rainbow baby." My dad smiled.
A rainbow baby is a baby after a miscarriage.

-June 21st-
Today we're going to Med to start me on the hormones, they'll also retrieve some eggs so that way they can get fertilized.

"What if these hormones make me go crazy?" I laughed as we were driving to Med.
"I'll give you a sedative." Alyssa joked.
"Ok but what would you really do?" I laughed.
"Comfort you... help you calm down." She smiled.

We got to Med.
We got put in the waiting room and waited for my name to be called. I held Alyssa's hand the whole time, nervous.

"Relax babe, you're gonna cut off the circulation to my hand." Alyssa laughed.
"Sorry.." I said, letting go.
"No, keep holding it, just not so tight." She grabbed my hand and smiled.

"Brielle Severide?" We heard my name.
We went in and waited in a room.
"Hey you guys!" Natalie said when she came in.
"Hi!" We said.
"Ok so we'll do the egg retrieval first, then we will talk about the hormones." Natalie explained.

After 1 hour the egg retrieval was done. They took out 5 eggs again.
"Ok so.. now the hormones. So you will need to take this pill once in the morning, and once in the evening." Natalie said, showing me a pill.
"Ok.." I said looking at it.

"And same going for the injections, once in the morning and once in the evening. You can injection them really anywhere so one day you want to do it on your stomach you can, one day you want to do it on your arm you can, one day you want to do it on your leg.. etc etc." Natalie explained.
"Got it. And I can help her right?" Alyssa asked.
"It's better if someone else was to do it anyway." Natalie said.

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